All Stories

  1. Development of a Software Framework for Rapid Optimized Design of Morphing Small UAVs
  2. Smart morphing wings can efficiently reject gusts of wind
  3. Pitch Control Effectiveness of the Avian Elbow and Wrist via a Numerical Lifting Line Analysis
  4. Stall Recovery of a Morphing Wing via Extended Nonlinear Lifting-Line Theory
  5. Nature of coupling in non-conservative distributed parameter systems attached to external damping sources
  6. Effects of Speed on Coupled Sweep and Camber in Morphing Wings
  7. Yaw Control of a Smart Morphing Tailless Aircraft Concept
  8. Design and modeling of a flexible longitudinal zigzag structure for enhanced vibration energy harvesting
  9. Finite Element Modeling of Longitudinal Metastructures for Passive Vibration Suppression
  10. Synergistic Smart Morphing AIleron: Capabilites Identification
  11. Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Cabled Beams
  12. Smart Structures TheoryI. Chopra and J. Sirohi, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2013, 905 pp., $155.
  13. Bakeout Effects on Dynamic Response of Spaceflight Cables
  14. Modelling the Dynamic Response of Bistable Composite Plates for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
  15. Inclusion of Shear Effects, Tension, and Damping in a DTF Beam Model for Cable Modeling
  16. Synergistic Smart Morphing Aileron: Aero-structural Performance Analysis