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  1. Fano Resonance Among Magnetic Coils for Midrange Position Sensing Capability
  2. Substitutional 4d transition metal doping in atomically thin lead
  3. The role of halogen bonding in metal free phosphors
  4. Substrate-Controlled Magnetism: Fe Nanowires on Vicinal Cu Surfaces
  5. Magnetic properties of 3d transition metal (Sc–Ni) doped plumbene
  6. Vicinal metal surfaces as potential catalysts for phosphorene epitaxial growth
  7. Predictive Simulations for Tuning Electronic and Optical Properties of SubPc Derivatives
  8. Design principles for the energy level tuning in donor/acceptor conjugated polymers
  9. Magnetic anisotropy energies of M–Fe wires (M = V–Co) on vicinal Cu(111)
  10. Synthesis and Characterization of Nanobuilding Blocks [o-RStyrPhSiO1.5]10,12(R = Me, MeO, NBoc, and CN). Unexpected Photophysical Properties Arising from Apparent Asymmetric Cage Functionalization as Supported by Modeling Studies
  11. The effects of extended conjugation length of purely organic phosphors on their phosphorescence emission properties
  12. Effect of axial halogen substitution on the performance of subphthalocyanine based organic photovoltaic cells
  13. Why do the [PhSiO1.5]8,10,12cages self-brominate primarily in the ortho position? Modeling reveals a strong cage influence on the mechanism
  14. Energy Level Modulation of HOMO, LUMO, and Band-Gap in Conjugated Polymers for Organic Photovoltaic Applications
  15. Electronic structure and magnetism of monatomic one-dimensional metal nanostructures on metal surfaces
  16. Magnetic properties of 3d transition metal wires on vicinal Cu(111) surfaces at finite temperature
  17. Magnetic properties of 3d transition metal chains on vicinal surface
  18. Magnetic states ofM-Fewires(M=Sc–Ni)on vicinal Cu(111) from first principles
  19. Explanation of atomic displacement around lattice vacancies in diamond based on electron delocalization
  20. Relationship between lattice relaxation and electron delocalization in diamond vacancies
  21. Lattice relaxation in many-electron states of the diamond vacancy