All Stories

  1. Multiple risk exposures for reading achievement in childhood and adolescence
  2. The Great Recession and Children’s Mental Health in Australia
  3. How well do self-reported memory complaints in older adults predict cognitive changes?
  4. Can reading ability predict cognitive changes?
  5. Tasmania’s child and family centres building parenting capability: a mixed methods study
  6. Risks for late language emergence in twins
  7. Longitudinal trajectories of mental health in Australian children aged 4-5 to 14-15 years
  8. Tasmania’s child and family centres: a place-based early childhood services model for families and children from pregnancy to age five
  9. Development and Assessment of Cumulative Risk Measures of Family Environment and Parental Investments in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  10. Patterns of Multiple Risk Exposures for Low Receptive Vocabulary Growth 4-8 Years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  11. Barriers to Parent–Child Book Reading in Early Childhood
  12. Development and validation of the Australian Aboriginal racial identity and self-esteem survey for 8–12 year old children (IRISE_C)
  13. Patterns and Predictors of Language and Literacy Abilities 4-10 Years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  14. Two Methods for Engaging with the Community in Setting Priorities for Child Health Research: Who Engages?
  15. Trajectories of fathers’ psychological distress across the early parenting period: Implications for parenting.
  16. Evidence for the use of an algorithm in resolving inconsistent and missing Indigenous status in administrative data collections
  17. Risk Factors for Low Receptive Vocabulary Abilities in the Preschool and Early School Years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  18. Factors associated with trajectories of psychological distress for Australian fathers across the early parenting period
  19. Correction: Risk Factors for Children's Receptive Vocabulary Development from Four to Eight Years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  20. Risk Factors for Children's Receptive Vocabulary Development from Four to Eight Years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  21. Adjusting for under-identification of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander births in time series produced from birth records: Using record linkage of survey data and administrative data sources
  22. Early mental health morbidity and later smoking at age 17 years