All Stories

  1. Protein model refinement for cryo-EM maps using AlphaFold2 and the DAQ score
  2. Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of the Isoform Specificity of Cytochrome P450 Substrates
  3. A global map of the protein shape universe
  4. De novo main-chain modeling for EM maps using MAINMAST
  5. Modeling the assembly order of multimeric heteroprotein complexes
  6. Protein 3D Structure and Electron Microscopy Map Retrieval Using 3D-SURFER2.0 and EM-SURFER
  7. In silico structure-based approaches to discover protein-protein interaction-targeting drugs
  8. Improved performance in CAPRI round 37 using LZerD docking and template-based modeling with combined scoring functions
  9. Protein structure model refinement in CASP12 using short and long molecular dynamics simulations in implicit solvent
  10. DextMP: deep dive into text for predicting moonlighting proteins
  11. Variability of Protein Structure Models from Electron Microscopy
  12. NaviGO: interactive tool for visualization and functional similarity and coherence analysis with gene ontology
  13. Using PFP and ESG Protein Function Prediction Web Servers
  14. Predicting Real-Valued Protein Residue Fluctuation Using FlexPred
  15. Human and server docking prediction for CAPRI round 30-35 using LZerD with combined scoring functions
  16. Missing gene identification using functional coherence scores
  17. PL-PatchSurfer2: Improved Local Surface Matching-Based Virtual Screening Method That Is Tolerant to Target and Ligand Structure Variation
  18. Prediction of homoprotein and heteroprotein complexes by protein docking and template-based modeling: A CASP-CAPRI experiment
  19. Ranking protein-protein docking results using steered molecular dynamics and potential of mean force calculations
  20. Genome-scale prediction of moonlighting proteins using diverse protein association information
  21. Pl-Patchsurfer: A Fast, Surface-Patch-Based Virtual Screening Program using Three-Dimensional Zernike Descriptors
  22. Combined Approach of Patch-Surfer and PL-PatchSurfer for Protein–Ligand Binding Prediction in CSAR 2013 and 2014
  23. Protein structure prediction using residue- and fragment-environment potentials in CASP11
  24. Computational characterization of moonlighting proteins: Table 1
  25. Detecting local residue environment similarity for recognizing near-native structure models
  26. Large-scale binding ligand prediction by improved patch-based method Patch-Surfer2.0
  27. Assessment of protein side-chain conformation prediction methods in different residue environments
  28. 3D-SURFER 2.0: Web Platform for Real-Time Search and Characterization of Protein Surfaces
  29. Protein domain recurrence and order can enhance prediction of protein functions
  30. Multi-LZerD: Multiple protein docking for asymmetric complexes
  31. Molecular Surface Representation Using 3D Zernike Descriptors for Protein Shape Comparison and Docking
  32. Quality Assessment of Protein Structure Models
  33. ESG: extended similarity group method for automated protein function prediction
  34. Protein-protein docking using region-based 3D Zernike descriptors
  35. New paradigm in protein function prediction for large scale omics analysis
  37. Enhanced automated function prediction using distantly related sequences and contextual association by PFP
  38. The PDB is a Covering Set of Small Protein Structures
  39. TOUCHSTONE: An ab initio protein structure prediction method that uses threading-based tertiary restraints