All Stories

  1. Redefining the Crisis/Redefining Democracy: Mobilising for the Right to Housing in Spain's PAH Movement
  2. Cultural Barriers to Activist Networking
  3. Unintended consequences: the negative impact of e-mail use on participation and collective identity in two ‘horizontal’ social movement groups – ERRATUM
  4. Unintended consequences: the negative impact of e-mail use on participation and collective identity in two ‘horizontal’ social movement groups
  5. Debunking Spontaneity: Spain's 15-M/Indignadosas Autonomous Movement
  6. “SpanishIndignadosand the evolution of 15M: toward networked para-institutions” by Ismael Peña López, Mariluz Congosto and Pablo Aragón
  7. The Madrid bombings and popular protest: misinformation, counter-information, mobilisation and elections after ‘11-M’
  8. Creating Cohesion from Diversity: The Challenge of Collective Identity Formation in the Global Justice Movement*
  9. Collective Identity in Social Movements: Central Concepts and Debates
  10. Book Reviews
  11. The Role of Humour in the Process of Collective Identity Formation in Autonomous Social Movement Groups in Contemporary Madrid
  12. Autonomous Movements and the Institutional Left: Two Approaches in Tension in Madrid's Anti-globalization Network
  13. Movement Culture as Habit(us)