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  1. Match internal load in youth elite soccer players is period, playing position and intermittent running capacity dependent
  2. The effect on home advantage when a team changes from grass to artificial turf – a worldwide study in professional football
  3. Validity of inner canthus temperature recorded by infrared thermography as a non-invasive surrogate measure for core temperature at rest, during exercise and recovery
  4. Metabolic syndrome prevalence in elderly of urban and rural communities participants in the HIPERDIA in the city of Coimbra/MG, Brazil
  5. The “FIFA 11+” warm-up programme for preventing injuries in soccer players: a systematic review
  6. A vantagem em casa no futebol: comparação entre Copa Libertadores da América e UEFA Champions League
  7. Reliability of maximum heart rate in match's and comparison with predicted in young soccer players
  8. Validade preditiva de equações de referência para força de preensão manual em homens brasileiros de meia idade e idosos
  9. Heart Rate Monitoring in Soccer
  10. Exercise Intensity and Technical Demands of Small-Sided Games in Young Brazilian Soccer Players: Effect of Number of Players, Maturation, and Reliability
  11. Vantagem em casa no campeonato brasileiro de futebol: efeito do local do jogo e da qualidade dos times DOI:10.5007/1980-0037.2010v12n2p148
  12. A vantagem em casa no futebol: comparação entre o campeonato Brasileiro e as principais ligas nacionais do Mundo