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  1. A Mixed Methods Examination of Decision-Making During Program Exploration and Implementation in Schools
  2. What interventions are cost-effective? A systematic review of cost-effectiveness analyses of school-based programs from 2000 to 2020.
  3. Deliberate practice of consultation communication skills: A randomized controlled trial.
  4. Language Used in School Psychological Evaluation Reports for SLD Identification
  5. An examination of the relationships between specific learning disabilities identification and growth rate, achievement, cognitive ability, and student demographics.
  6. A cost-effectiveness analysis of classwide math intervention
  7. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Performance Feedback in Writing
  8. A Cost Analysis of Traditional Professional Development and Coaching Structures in Schools
  9. Relationship between disability category, time in general education and academic achievement
  10. Job Satisfaction Among Practicing School Psychologists: the Impact of SLD Identification
  11. Language use in consultation: Can “we” help teachers and students?