All Stories

  1. The promises of computational ethnography: Improving transparency, replicability, and validity for realist approaches to ethnographic analysis
  2. What is new with old? What old age teaches us about inequality and stratification
  3. The Importance Of Integrating Narrative Into Health Care Decision Making
  4. Unequal Aging: Lessons From Inequality’s End Game
  5. Beyond Text
  6. The End Game
  7. Perceived discrimination in U.S. healthcare: Charting the effects of key social characteristics within and across racial groups
  8. Racial differences in physician usage among the elderly poor in the United States
  9. From “Either-Or” to “When and How”: A Context-Dependent Model of Culture in Action
  10. Caged Morality: Moral Worlds, Subculture, and Stratification Among Middle-Class Cage-Fighters
  11. Who are the Clients?: Goal Displacement in an Adult Day Care Center for Elders with Dementia
  12. Conclusion. How Inequality Shapes Our Final Years
  13. Introduction. The End Game
  14. Frontmatter
  15. Contents
  16. Methodological Appendix
  17. 4. Team Dynamics. The Meanings of Social Ties
  18. 1. “Old Is a Different Animal Altogether”. The Shared Predicaments of the End Game
  19. 3. Game-Day Strategies. How Prior Experiences Shape Cultural Strategies in the Present
  20. 2. The Uneven Playing Field. Disparate Contexts and Resources in Old Age