All Stories

  1. Souvenir authenticity in the additive manufacturing age
  2. 3D printed souvenirs: visitor and manager impressions
  3. A study of the relationship between personalised 3D printed ‘Souvenirs of Place’ and public perception of modern architectural heritage.
  4. Community Involvement in Festivals: Exploring Ways of Increasing Local Participation
  5. Tourism mobility in regional integration schemes: a case of political deregulation?
  6. Student part‐time employment
  7. Individualized Tourism Brochures as a Novel Approach to Mass Customization
  8. Tourism Interest Groups in the EU Policy Arena: Characteristics, Relationships and Challenges
  9. Stakeholder perspectives on the European Union tourism policy framework and their preferences on the type of involvement
  10. Group Politics and Tourism Interest Representation at the Supranational Level: Evidence from the European Union
  11. The role of regional trading blocs in the development and management of tourism: an analysis of the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations