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  1. Enhance in nociception in a rabbit model of cerebral palsy.
  2. Anxious Profile Influences Behavioral and Immunohistological Findings in the Pilocarpine Model of Epilepsy
  3. Altered Motoneuron Properties Contribute to Motor Deficits in a Rabbit Hypoxia-Ischemia Model of Cerebral Palsy
  4. Hyperexcitability precedes motoneuron loss in the Smn2B/− mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy
  5. Animal models of developmental motor disorders: parallels to human motor dysfunction in cerebral palsy
  6. Is Mossy Fiber Sprouting a Potential Therapeutic Target for Epilepsy?
  7. ER Stress Induced by Tunicamycin Triggers α-Synuclein Oligomerization, Dopaminergic Neurons Death and Locomotor Impairment: a New Model of Parkinson’s Disease
  8. Maximal electroshock-induced seizures are able to induce Homer1a mRNA expression but not pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures
  9. Effects of Anterior Thalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Chronic Epileptic Rats
  10. Reduced Hippocampal Dentate Cell Proliferation and Impaired Spatial Memory Performance in Aged-Epileptic Rats
  11. Increased Seizure Susceptibility in Mice 30 Days after Fluid Percussion Injury
  12. Pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus increases Homer1a and changes mGluR5 expression
  13. Effects of ethanol on hippocampal neurogenesis depend on the conditioned appetitive response
  14. Basal dendrites are present in newly born dentate granule cells of young but not aged pilocarpine-treated chronic epileptic rats
  15. Assessment of seizure susceptibility in pilocarpine epileptic and nonepileptic Wistar rats and of seizure reinduction with pentylenetetrazole and electroshock models
  16. Bilateral Anterior Thalamic Nucleus Lesions Are Not Protective against Seizures in Chronic Pilocarpine Epileptic Rats
  17. Effective Topical Treatment of Subcutaneous Murine B16F10-Nex2 Melanoma By the Antimicrobial Peptide Gomesin