All Stories

  1. How do I compare to the other people?": Older Adults' Perspectives on Personal Smart Home Data for Self-Management"
  2. A Rapid, Iterative, and Remote (RIR) Method for Designing Translational Tools: Study Experience and Lessons Learned
  3. A State-Based Medication Routine Framework
  4. “I hope I never need one”: Unpacking Stigma in Aging in Place Technology
  5. Challenges, Tensions, and Opportunities in Designing Ecosystems to Support the Management of Complex Health Needs
  6. Hugging with a Shower Curtain: Older Adults' Social Support Realities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  7. Older Adults’ Experiences of Autonomy During COVID-19 Pandemic
  8. Towards Supporting Data-Driven Practices in Stroke Telerehabilitation Technology