All Stories

  1. Mapping Uncharted Terrain: A Systematic Review of Complementary and Integrative Health Communication Using Observational Data in Biomedical Settings
  2. Initial concurrent and convergent validity of the Perceived Access Inventory (PAI) for mental health services.
  3. Telephone veteran peer coaching for mental health treatment engagement among rural veterans: The importance of secondary outcomes and qualitative data in a randomized controlled trial
  4. Improving Uptake of a National Web-Based Psychoeducational Workshop for Informal Caregivers of Veterans: Mixed Methods Implementation Evaluation
  5. Fostering Interdisciplinary Boundary Spanning in Health Communication: A Call for a Paradigm Shift
  6. At the Intersection of Method and Empowerment: Reflections from a Pilot Photovoice Study with Survivors of Human Trafficking
  7. Improving Uptake of a National Web-Based Psychoeducational Workshop for Informal Caregivers of Veterans: Mixed Methods Implementation Evaluation (Preprint)
  8. A Qualitative Study of Primary Care Providers’ Experiences with the Veterans Choice Program
  9. Experience and Context Shape Patient and Clinician Goals For Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Qualitative Study
  10. Veterans’ Attitudes Toward Smartphone App Use for Mental Health Care: Qualitative Study of Rurality and Age Differences
  11. Veteran-centered barriers to VA mental healthcare services use
  12. Development of the Perceived Access Inventory: A patient-centered measure of access to mental health care.
  13. Veterans’ experiences initiating VA-based mental health care.
  14. Specialist and generalist providers collaborate using video conferencing
  15. Multitasking and Silent Electronic Health Record Use in Ambulatory Visits
  16. Situating mental health work in place: Qualitative findings from interviews with Veterans in Southeastern Louisiana and Northern California
  17. Patient Outcomes in Dose Reduction or Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid Therapy
  18. What advanced cancer patients with limited treatment options know about clinical research: a qualitative study
  19. Practical application of opt-out recruitment methods in two health services research studies
  20. Veterans’ Perspectives on the Psychosocial Impact of Killing in War
  21. Pre-Implementation Strategies to Adapt and Implement a Veteran Peer Coaching Intervention to Improve Mental Health Treatment Engagement Among Rural Veterans
  22. Use of Low-Literacy Decision Aid to Enhance Knowledge and Reduce Decisional Conflict Among a Diverse Population of Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results of a Pilot Study
  23. An exploratory typology of provider responses that encourage and discourage conversation about complementary and integrative medicine during routine oncology visits
  24. The Process of Interactional Sensitivity Coding in Health Care: Conceptually and Operationally Defining Patient-Centered Communication
  25. How does talk relate to the idea of "illness"?
  26. The design of a low literacy decision aid about rheumatoid arthritis medications developed in three languages for use during the clinical encounter
  27. Research Methods in Health Communication
  28. Facilitating culture-centered communication between health care providers and veterans transitioning from military deployment to civilian life
  29. Managing Patient-centered Communication across the Type 2 Diabetes Illness Trajectory: A Grounded Practical Theory ofInteractional Sensitivity
  30. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication
  31. How does culture influence preventive service utilisation among Asian Indians living in the USA? A qualitative study
  32. Web-based PTSD training for primary care providers: A pilot study.
  33. Capsule Commentary on Betz et al., “I Wish We Could Normalize Driving Health”: A Qualitative Study of Clinician Discussions with Older Drivers
  34. Negotiating complementary and alternative medicine use in primary care visits with older patients
  35. “All of Those Things We Don't Eat”: A Culture-Centered Approach to Dietary Health Meanings for Asian Indians Living in the United States
  36. Passing the Baton: A Grounded Practical Theory of Handoff Communication Between Multidisciplinary Providers in Two Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Settings
  37. Performance of an online translation tool when applied to patient educational material
  38. Patient resistance as agency in treatment decisions
  39. Provider—patient communication about complementary and alternative medicine