All Stories

  1. Using Experimental Filmmaking to Create an Engaging Brain-Computer Interface
  2. Effects of Body Type and Voice Pitch on Perceived Audio-Visual Correspondence and Believability of Virtual Characters
  3. ManiLoco
  4. Synthesizing Game Levels for Collaborative Gameplay in a Shared Virtual Environment
  5. Evaluating the Sense of Embodiment through Out-of-Body Experience and Tactile Feedback
  6. A Mixed Reality Platform for Collaborative Technical Assembly Training
  7. Procedural Game Level Design to Trigger Spatial Exploration
  8. Holographic Sign Language Interpreters
  9. Audio Matters Too: How Audial Avatar Customization Enhances Visual Avatar Customization
  10. The Effects of a Self-Similar Avatar Voice in Educational Games
  11. Evaluating Tutorial-Based Instructions for Controllers in Virtual Reality Games
  12. Fighting COVID-19 at Purdue University: Design and Evaluation of a Game for Teaching COVID-19 Hygienic Best Practices
  13. Photo Sequences of Varying Emotion: Optimization with a Valence-Arousal Annotated Dataset
  14. VR-PAVIB: The Virtual Reality Pedestrian-Autonomous Vehicle Interaction Benchmark
  15. Within a Virtual Crowd: Exploring Human Movement Behavior during Immersive Virtual Crowd Interaction
  16. Environment-Scale Fabrication