All Stories

  1. Behçet’s Disease Presenting as Renovascular Hypertension Treated Successfully With Percutaneous Angioplasty
  2. Myocardial metasasis
  3. Voluminous pseudotumoral lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum
  4. Infarct Artery Distribution and Clinical Outcomes in Occluded Artery Trial Subjects Presenting With Non–ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (from the Long-Term Follow-up of Occluded Artery Trial [OAT])
  5. Syndrome coronaire aigu du sujet jeune caucasien: à propos de 62 cas
  6. A recurrent cerebrospinal fluid pericardial effusion
  7. DECOPI (DEsobstruction COronaire en Post-Infarctus): A Randomized Multi-centre Trial of Occluded Artery Angioplasty After Acute Myocardial Infarction
  8. 815-4 Impact of an open artery late after infarction: Angiographic results of the DECOPI randomized trial
  9. Partial Rupture of the Tricuspid Valve after Extraction of Permanent Pacemaker Leads: Detection by Transesophageal Echocardiography
  10. Évolution insolite de la plaque d'athérome : l'ulcère pénétrant athéromateux
  11. Pneumopathie sévère a chlamydia pneumoniae compliquée d'insuffisance rénale aiguë
  12. Les inhibiteurs spontanés du facteur antihémophilique A : Données cliniques et biologiques, aspects thérapeutiques