All Stories

  1. Knowledge and normativity
  2. The genome factor. What the social genomics revolution reveals about ourselves, our history & the future
  3. 8. Embryonen, Tiermodelle, Chimären. Stammzell-Ethik in Großbritannien und Deutschland
  4. Between the Local and the Global: Evaluating European regulation of stem cell regenerative medicine
  5. Can harmonized regulation overcome intra-European differences? Insights from a European Phase III stem cell trial
  6. Standards, Harmonization and Cultural Differences: Examining the Implementation of a European Stem Cell Clinical Trial
  7. Travelling Cells: Harmonized European Regulation and the BAMI Stem Cell Trial
  8. The hybrid bioeconomy of umbilical cord blood banking: Re-examining the narrative of opposition between public and private services
  9. Genetic geographies: the trouble with ancestry
  10. Race and the Genetic Revolution: Science, Myth and Culture
  11. Genetics and the Sociology of Identity
  12. Framing pluripotency: iPS cells and the shaping of stem cell science
  13. The regulation of autologous stem cells in heart repair: comparing the UK and Germany1
  14. Stem cells clinical trials for cardiac repair: regulation as practical accomplishment
  15. Toward a Critical Evaluation of Protocell Research
  16. Genes, genomes and identity. Projections on matter
  17. How Traditions of Ethical Reasoning and Institutional Processes Shape Stem Cell Research in Britain
  18. Christine Hauskeller (2002) (Hrsg) Humane Stammzellen?Therapeutische Optionen, �konomische Perspektiven, mediale Vermittlung
  19. Der Stammzelldiskurs
  20. Subjekt, BioMacht und Widerstand — Butler und Foucault. Eine Skizze