All Stories

  1. Unification and explanation from a causal perspective
  2. Meta-Inductive Probability Aggregation
  3. Introduction
  4. Metaphysics based on the core method of science
  6. Cultural Inheritance in Generalized Darwinism
  7. Newtons Methodologie: Eine Kritik an Duhem, Feyerabend und Lakatos
  8. Confirmation Based on Analogical Inference: Bayes Meets Jeffrey
  9. Knowledge and values: A re-entanglement in epistemic regimes
  10. A Rational Reconstruction of the L’Aquila Case: How Non-Denial Turns into Acceptance
  11. Introduction to the special issue “Logical perspectives on science and cognition”
  12. Optimal probability aggregation based on generalized brier scoring
  13. An optimality-argument for equal weighting
  14. Modeling creative abduction Bayesian style
  15. Is Mereology Ontologically Innocent? Well, it Depends…
  16. Optimisation in a Synchronised Prediction Setting
  17. Philosophy of Science Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities: Introduction
  18. Can religious and secular belief be rationally combined?
  19. The Second International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2016), 8–11 March 2016
  20. Is the Equal-Weight View Really Supported by Positive Crowd Effects?
  21. Analogies in Scientific Explanations: Concept Formation by Analogies in Cultural Evolutionary Theory
  22. Meta-Induction and the Wisdom of Crowds
  23. Knowledge by Narratives: On the Methodology of Stump's Defence
  24. Richard Dawkins Hauptargument wissenschaftstheoretisch betrachtet