All Stories

  1. Legacies of European ‘Belt and Road’? Visualizing transport accessibility and its impacts on population distribution
  2. Street morphology and severity of road casualties: A 5-year study of Greater London
  3. Informality, property rights, and poverty in China’s “favelas”
  4. Urban configuration, accessibility, and property prices: a case study of Cardiff, Wales
  5. Identifying house price effects of changes in urban street configuration: An empirical study in Nanjing, China
  6. Healthy Cities
  7. Built environment configuration and change in body mass index: The Caerphilly Prospective Study (CaPS)
  8. Refutation in Design and Science
  9. Informality and the Development and Demolition of Urban Villages in the Chinese Peri-urban Area
  10. Gates or No Gates? A Cross-European Enquiry into the Driving Forces behind Gated Communities
  11. Urban Poverty in China - By Fulong Wu, Chris Webster, Shenjing He and Yuting Liu
  12. Commentary: On the Differentiated Demand for Planning Journals
  13. Land Dispossession and Enrichment in China’s Suburban Villages
  14. Social Groups and Housing Differentiation in China's Urban Villages: An Institutional Interpretation
  15. Methodological Frameworks and Interdisciplinary Research on Gated Communities
  16. Marginalization in Urban China
  17. Urban Poverty in China
  18. Path Dependency and the Neighbourhood Effect: Urban Poverty in Impoverished Neighbourhoods in Chinese Cities
  19. Entitlement to the Benefits of Urbanization: Comparing Migrant and Peri-urban ‘Peasants’
  20. What Has Been Marginalized? Marginalization as the Constrained ‘Right to the City’ in Urban China
  21. Property Rights Redistribution, Entitlement Failure and the Impoverishment of Landless Farmers in China
  22. Are Some Planning Transactions Intrinsically Sovereign?
  23. Sharpening-up the boundaries
  24. Profiling Urban Poverty in a Chinese City, the Case of Nanjing
  25. Poverty incidence and concentration in different social groups in urban China, a case study of Nanjing
  26. Gated Communities
  27. Learning on the Boundaries — an Invitation to Pool Boundary-crossing Learning Objects
  28. Research-teaching Links and the Knowledge Problem
  29. Successful Professional Action and the Rules of Learning
  30. Property rights, public space and urban design
  31. The Decentralising Metropolis: Economic Diversity and Commuting in the US Suburbs
  32. Practice-bounded Knowledge
  33. Ranking Planning Journals
  34. Enclosure of the urban commons
  35. Privatising the governance and management of existing urban neighbourhoods
  39. The New Institutional Economics and the evolution of modern urban planning:Insights, issues and lessons
  40. Homeowners Associations, Collective Action and the Costs of Private Governance
  41. Planning, Government, Information, and the Internet
  42. The Donald Robertson memorial prizewinner 2003 The nature of the neighbourhood
  43. Coase, Spatial Pricing and Self -organising Cities
  44. Analytical public-choice planning theory: a response to Poulton