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  1. An Improved Method for Differentiating Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons
  2. Creation of a myosin Va-TAP-tagged mouse and identification of potential myosin Va-interacting proteins in the cerebellum
  3. V-1 regulates capping protein activity in vivo
  4. Optimization of cerebellar purkinje neuron cultures and development of a plasmid-based method for purkinje neuron-specific, miRNA-mediated protein knockdown
  5. Interactions of Calmodulin and the IQ Motifs of a Type I Myosin in Fission Yeast
  6. Ste20-kinase-dependent TEDS-site phosphorylation modulates the dynamic localisation and endocytic function of the fission yeast class I myosin, Myo1