All Stories

  1. Uncovering Social Life
  2. Embodying culture: Body pedagogics, situated encounters and empirical research
  3. How training and teaching shapes the body and mind
  4. The Body: A Very Short Introduction
  5. Re-Conceptualizing Sport as a Sacred Phenomenon
  6. Re-conceptualising the religious habitus: Reflexivity and embodied subjectivity in global modernity
  7. From iron maiden to superwoman: The stochastic art of self-transformation and the deviant female sporting body
  8. Series Editor's Note
  9. The Body and Social Theory
  10. Die Verkörperung der Religionssoziologie Körperpädagogik und der religiöse Habitus
  11. Series Editor's Introduction
  12. Afterword: Body Work and the Sociological Tradition
  13. Afterword: Body work and the sociological tradition
  14. Retheorising Emile Durkheim on Society and Religion: Embodiment, Intoxication and Collective Life
  15. Exploring the society–body–school nexus: theoretical and methodology issues in the study of body pedagogics
  16. The Religious Habitus
  17. Body pedagogics and the religious habitus: A new direction for the sociological study of religion
  18. The female bodybuilder as a gender outlaw
  19. Cultures of Embodied Experience: Technology, Religion and Body Pedagogics
  20. Sociology and the Body: Classical Traditions and New Agendas
  21. Physical capital and situated action:a new direction for corporeal sociology
  22. Culture, the 'sick role' and the consumption of health
  23. The Two Traditions in the Sociology of Emotions
  24. Embodiment, Experience and Theory: In Defence of the Sociological Tradition
  25. Towards an embodied understanding of the structure / agency relationship
  26. Towards an embodied understanding of the structure/agency relationship
  27. Durkheim, Morality and Modernity: Collective Effervescence, Homo Duplex and the Sources of Moral Action
  28. The Undersocialised Conception of the Embodied Agent in Modern Sociology
  29. Emotions, Embodiment and the Sensation of Society
  30. Guest editorial: At the cross‐roads: Education policy studies
  31. Reflexive modernity and the religious body
  32. Modernity, Self-Identity and the Sequestration of Death
  33. The Demise of Sociology of Education in Britain?
  35. Reconceptualising Structure and Agency in the Sociology of Education: structuration theory and schooling
  36. Educating the Body: Physical Capital and the Production of Social Inequalities
  37. Supply teachers: working on the of the literature
  38. Labouring at School: Work-Experience in the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative
  39. Social Space, Gender Inequalities and Educational Differentiation
  40. Permanent Supports or Temporary Props? Supply Workers in State Schools and the National Health Service
  41. Social Use of the School Library: the colonisation and regulation of educational space
  42. The organization of supply workers in state schools and the National Health Service: a comparison
  43. The Mini‐Enterprise in Schools Project: a new stage in education‐industry relations?
  44. Work experience codes of practice: a critique and suggestions for reform
  45. School to Work Programmes and the Production of Alienation
  46. Work‐experience as a Contradictory Practice
  47. Work‐experience and schools: factors influencing the participation of industry
  48. Implementing the Contract: the technical and vocational education initiative
  49. The Embodied Foundations of Social Theory
  50. Embodiment, emotions, and the foundations of social order: Durkheim’s enduring contribution