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  1. Electrically doped dynamically configurable field-effect transistor for low-power and high-performance applications
  2. PVT-Aware Design of Dopingless Dynamically Configurable Tunnel FET
  3. Potential Benefits and Sensitivity Analysis of Dopingless Transistor for Low Power Applications
  4. Subthreshold Analog/RF performance estimation of doping-less DGFET for ULP applications
  5. Performance comparison of bulk and SOI planar junctionless SONOS memory
  6. Design and performance projection of symmetric bipolar charge-plasma transistor on SOI
  7. Device and circuit performance analysis of double gate junctionless transistors at L g = 18 nm
  8. Linearly separable pattern classification using memristive crossbar circuits
  9. Charge-Plasma Based Process Variation Immune Junctionless Transistor
  10. Simplified drain current model for pinch-off double gate junctionless transistor
  11. Electrical characteristics and short channel performance comparison of different gate junctionless transistors
  12. Characteristics of gate inside junctionless transistor with channel length and doping concentration
  13. Investigation of ultra-thin BOX junctionless transistor at channel length of 20 nm