All Stories

  1. Investigating the Synonyms of Conversational Agents to Aid Cross-Disciplinary CA Research
  2. An Extensive Knowledge Mapping Review of Measurement and Validity in Language Assessment and SLA Research
  3. Measuring researchers’ potential scholarly impact with structural variations: Four types of researchers in information science (1979–2018)
  4. How to create an overview of the literature of a research field
  5. PaperPoles: Facilitating adaptive visual exploration of scientific publications by citation links
  6. Temporal Representations of Citations for Understanding the Changing Roles of Scientific Publications
  7. Using Operando Characterization, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence to Understand Mechanistic Links between Processing and Structure
  8. LitStoryTeller+: an interactive system for multi-level scientific paper visual storytelling with a supportive text mining toolbox
  9. Emerging trends and new developments in information science: a document co-citation analysis (2009–2016)
  10. Predictive Effects of Novelty Measured by Temporal Embeddings on the Growth of Scientific Literature
  11. Finding words that signify uncertainty
  12. Eugene Garfield’s scholarly impact
  13. Science Mapping: A Systematic Review of the Literature
  14. How many ways to use CiteSpace? A study of user interactive events over 14 months
  15. Uncertainty is an integral part of science. Without uncertainty, there will be no science.
  16. Analysis of citation networks as a new tool for scientific research
  17. Semi-supervised Dirichlet-Hawkes process with applications of topic detection and tracking in Twitter
  18. Big, Deep, and Smart Data in Scanning Probe Microscopy
  19. Grand Challenges in Measuring and Characterizing Scholarly Impact
  20. How are they different? A quantitative domain comparison of information visualization and data visualization (2000–2014)
  21. Visualizing the Knowledge Domain of Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Technologies: A Scientometric Review
  22. Spatiotemporal Analytics of Topic Trajectory
  23. A scientometric review of emerging trends and new developments in recommendation systems
  24. Science Mapping
  25. The Fitness of Information
  26. Emerging trends and new developments in regenerative medicine: a scientometric update (2000 – 2014)
  27. Orphan drugs and rare diseases: a scientometric review (2000 – 2014)
  28. How are collaboration and productivity correlated at various career stages of scientists?
  29. Dynamic topic detection and tracking: A comparison of HDP, C-word, and cocitation methods
  30. Literature retrieval based on citation context
  31. Front Matter: Volume 9017
  32. Patterns of connections and movements in dual-map overlays: A new method of publication portfolio analysis
  33. Where are citations located in the body of scientific articles? A study of the distributions of citation locations
  34. Interactive overlays of journals and the measurement of interdisciplinarity on the basis of aggregated journal-journal citations
  35. Hindsight, insight, and foresight: a multi-level structural variation approach to the study of a scientific field
  36. The differences between latent topics in abstracts and citation contexts of citing papers
  37. Front Matter: Volume 8654
  38. Effects of Domain Knowledge on User Performance and Perception in a Knowledge Domain Visualization System
  39. Mapping Scientific Frontiers
  40. Mapping Associations
  41. Mapping Science
  42. Mapping the Universe
  43. The Dynamics of Scientific Knowledge
  44. The Structure and Dynamics of Scientific Knowledge
  45. Tracing Competing Paradigms
  46. Tracking Latent Domain Knowledge
  47. Trajectories of Search
  48. Visual Analytics
  49. A scientometric study of retracted publications
  50. The Top 10 Challenges in Extreme-Scale Visual Analytics
  51. Emerging trends in regenerative medicine: a scientometric analysis inCiteSpace
  52. Front Matter: Volume 8294
  53. SDSS Log Viewer : visual exploratory analysis of large-volume SQL log data
  54. Information visualization state of the art and future directions
  55. Turning Points
  56. An Illuminated Path: The Impact of the Work of Jim Thomas
  57. Top Ten Interaction Challenges in Extreme-Scale Visual Analytics
  58. The proximity of co-citation
  59. Explaining why some works may get highly cited
  60. Data repository mapping for influenza protein sequence analysis
  61. Front Matter: Volume 7868
  62. Cognitive Biases and Pitfalls
  63. Creative Thinking
  64. Foraging
  65. Knowledge Domain Analysis
  66. Messages in Text
  67. Modeling Users’ Data Usage Experiences from Scientific Literature
  68. Recognizing the Potential of Research
  69. The Gathering Storm
  70. The Way Ahead
  71. Transformative Potential
  72. Scientometrics of big science: a case study of research in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
  73. The use of scientific data: A content analysis
  74. Information visualization
  75. How does CiteSpace automatically label clusters?
  76. Making sense of the evolution of a scientific domain: a visual analytic study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey research
  77. Visualizing the Intellectual Structure with Paper-Reference Matrices
  78. The New Invisible College: Science for Development
  79. Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery
  80. Reflections on the Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design of Mapping the Universe
  81. Human Factors in the Development of Trend Detection and Tracking Techniques
  82. The thematic and citation landscape of Data and Knowledge Engineering (1985–2007)
  83. Grand challenge award: Data integration visualization and collaboration in the VAST 2008 Challenge
  84. Thematic maps of 19 iSchools
  85. An Information-Theoretic View of Visual Analytics
  86. Search result visualization panel
  87. Holistic sense‐making: conflicting opinions, creative ideas, and collective intelligence
  88. Storylines: Visual exploration and analysis in latent semantic spaces
  89. Delineating the citation impact of scientific discoveries
  90. Tracing Conceptual and Geospatial Diffusion of Knowledge
  91. How do conflicting opinions exactly differ?
  92. Modelling Situated Actions in Collaborative Hypertext Databases
  93. CiteSpace II
  94. Information Visualization
  95. Visualizing an enterprise social network from email
  96. Visualizing the Semantic Web
  97. Analyzing and Visualizing the Dynamics of Scientific Frontiers and Knowledge Diffusion
  98. Human Factors in the Development of Trend Detection and Tracking Techniques
  99. Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems
  100. Measuring the movement of a research paradigm
  101. From Spatial Proximity to Semantic Coherence: A Quantitative Approach to the Study of Group Dynamics in Collaborative Virtual Environments
  102. The centrality of pivotal points in the evolution of scientific networks
  103. Measuring the quality of network visualization
  104. Visualizing Information Using SVG and X3D
  105. Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive knowledge domain visualization
  106. User-controlled mapping of significant literatures
  107. Mining the Web: Discovering knowledge from hypertext data
  108. Tracing knowledge diffusion
  109. Panel 1: Can We Determine the Top Unresolved Problems of Visualization?
  110. Editorial
  111. Articles in this Issue
  112. The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolutions in physics
  113. Visualizing knowledge domains
  114. Mapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization
  115. Concluding Remarks: Today’s Vision of Envisioning the Semantic Future
  116. Enabling Techniques for Science Mapping
  117. Information Visualization Versus the Semantic Web
  118. Mapping the Mind
  119. Mapping the Universe
  120. On the Shoulders of Giants
  121. Patents, citations & innovations: A window on the knowledge economy
  122. The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
  123. Tracing Competing Paradigms
  124. Tracking Latent Domain Knowledge
  125. Visualizing scientific paradigms: An introduction
  126. Visualizing the Semantic Web
  127. Information Visualization is Growing
  128. Workshop report
  129. Footprints of information foragers: behaviour semantics of visual exploration
  130. Aesthetics Versus Functionality
  132. Information Visualization
  133. Top Ten Problems in Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries
  134. Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries
  135. Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries: Motivation, Utilization, and Socio-technical Challenges
  136. Visual interfaces to digital libraries
  137. Visualizing and tracking the growth of competing paradigms: Two case studies
  138. Visualization and Simulation: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
  139. Visual-spatial exploration of thematic spaces: a comparative study of three visualization models
  140. Visualizing a knowledge domain's intellectual structure
  141. Visualizing latent domain knowledge
  142. Workshop 1: visual interfaces to digital libraries - its past, present, and future
  143. Empirical evaluation of information visualizations: an introduction
  144. Empirical studies of information visualization: a meta-analysis
  145. Bringing global information systems into business
  146. Modeling the Dynamics of Using a Collaborative Hypertext
  147. Visualising Information: A Mosaic of Perspectives
  148. Visualising semantic spaces and author co-citation networks in digital libraries
  149. Finding Salient Structures
  150. Individual Differences in Visual Navigation
  151. Information Visualisation Systems and Applications
  152. Information Visualisation and Virtual Environments
  153. Introduction
  154. Representing the semantics of virtual spaces
  155. Spatial Layout and Graph Drawing Algorithms
  156. Virtual Environments
  157. Bridging the Gap: The Use of Pathfinder Networks in Visual Navigation
  158. Generalised similarity analysis and pathfinder network scaling
  159. Writing with collaborative hypertext: Analysis and modeling
  160. Tracking latent domain structures: An integration of pathfinder and Latent Semantic Analysis
  161. Structuring and visualising the WWW by generalised similarity analysis
  162. Interacting With Hypertext: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies
  163. Behavioural Patterns of Collaborative Writing with Hypertext — A State Transition Approach
  164. Understanding Collaborative Authoring in Shared Workspaces
  165. An extended fisheye view browser for collaborative writing
  166. Collaborative software reuse integrated into the work flow
  167. Analyzing the Propagation of Influence and Concept Evolution in Enterprise Social Networks through Centrality and Latent Semantic Analysis
  168. Concluding Remarks: Today’s Vision of Envisioning the Semantic Future
  169. Information Visualization and the Semantic Web
  170. Adapting the cognitive walkthrough method to assess the usability of a knowledge domain visualization
  171. Concluding Remarks Vladimir Geroimenko and Chaomei Chen
  172. Understanding the Evolution of NSAID: A Knowledge Domain Visualization Approach to Evidence-Based Medicine
  173. Visualizing Complex Networks
  174. Semantically modified diffusion limited aggregation for visualizing large-scale networks
  175. Visualizing evolving networks: minimum spanning trees versus pathfinder networks
  176. A semantic-centric approach to information visualization
  177. Augmenting user interfaces for digital libraries with virtual reality
  178. Content-based image visualization
  179. Detecting and mapping thematic changes in transient networks
  180. Domain visualization for digital libraries
  181. Human Factors in the Development of Trend Detection and Tracking Techniques
  182. Information Visualization Research: Citation and Co-Citation Highlights
  183. Using CBIR and pathfinder networks for image database visualisation
  184. Visualizing the Evolution of HCI