All Stories

  1. Plasma patches inside the polar cap and auroral oval: the impact on the spaceborne GPS receiver
  2. Edge Plasma Enhancements of Equatorial Plasma Depletions Observed by All-Sky Imager and the C/NOFS Satellite
  3. Statistical Correlation Analysis of Field-Aligned Currents Measured by Swarm
  4. Onset Condition of Plasma Density Enhancements: A Case Study for the Effects of Meridional Wind During 17-18 August 2003
  5. Climatology of the Occurrence Rate and Amplitudes of Local Time Distinguished Equatorial Plasma Depletions Observed by Swarm Satellite
  6. Longitudinal Thin Structure of Equatorial Plasma Depletions Coincidently Observed by Swarm Constellation and all-Sky Imager
  7. The Relationship of High-Latitude Thermospheric Wind With Ionospheric Horizontal Current, as Observed by CHAMP Satellite
  8. The Response of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in 120°E to the Geomagnetic Storm of 18 August 2003 at Different Altitudes From Multiple Satellite Observations
  9. Diurnal evolution of the F region electron density local time gradient at low and middle latitudes resolved by the Swarm constellation
  10. TheSwarmsatellite loss of GPS signal and its relation to ionospheric plasma irregularities
  11. The response of equatorial electrojet, vertical plasma drift, and thermospheric zonal wind to enhanced solar wind input
  12. Global features of the disturbance winds during storm time deduced from CHAMP observations
  13. Validation of GRACE electron densities by incoherent scatter radar data and estimation of plasma scale height in the topside ionosphere
  14. A dayside plasma depletion observed at midlatitudes during quiet geomagnetic conditions
  15. Tidal signatures of the thermospheric mass density and zonal wind at midlatitude: CHAMP and GRACE observations
  16. Seasonal and latitudinal variations of the electron density nonmigrating tidal spectrum in the topside ionospheric F region as resolved from CHAMP observations
  17. Alfvén wave characteristics of equatorial plasma irregularities in the ionosphere derived from CHAMP observations
  18. Determining the boundaries of the auroral oval from CHAMP field-aligned current signatures – Part 1
  19. An empirical model of the auroral oval derived from CHAMP field-aligned current signatures – Part 2
  20. The Midlatitude Summer Night Anomaly as observed by CHAMP and GRACE: Interpreted as tidal features
  21. Systematic study of intermediate-scale structures of equatorial plasma irregularities in the ionosphere based on CHAMP observations
  22. The magnitude and inter-hemispheric asymmetry of equatorial ionization anomaly-based on CHAMP and GRACE observations
  23. Nonmigrating tidal signatures in the magnitude and the inter-hemispheric asymmetry of the equatorial ionization anomaly
  24. The subauroral electron density trough: Comparison between satellite observations and IRI-2007 model estimates
  25. Features of highly structured equatorial plasma irregularities deduced from CHAMP observations
  26. A long-lived band of plasma density enhancement at mid-latitudes during the 2003 Halloween magnetic storm
  27. IRI-2007 model overestimates electron density during the 23/24 solar minimum
  28. Comparing plasma bubble occurrence rates at CHAMP and GRACE altitudes during high and low solar activity