All Stories

  1. LAMMPS framework for dynamic bonding and an application modeling DNA
  2. A formalism for scattering of complex composite structures. II. Distributed reference points
  3. A formalism for scattering of complex composite structures. I. Applications to branched structures of asymmetric sub-units
  4. DNA Self-Assembly and Computation Studied with a Coarse-Grained Dynamic Bonded Model
  5. Stress Relaxation in Entangled Polymer Melts
  6. Microphase separation in cross-linked polymer blends
  7. Connectivity and Entanglement Stress Contributions in Strained Polymer Networks
  8. Permanent Set of Cross-Linking Networks:  Comparison of Theory with Molecular Dynamics Simulations
  9. Scattering from polymer networks under elongational strain
  10. Disorder effects on the strain response of model polymer networks
  11. Strain-Dependent Localization, Microscopic Deformations, and Macroscopic Normal Tensions in Model Polymer Networks
  12. Monte Carlo simulations and analysis of scattering from neutral and polyelectrolyte polymer and polymer-like systems
  13. Rheology and Microscopic Topology of Entangled Polymeric Liquids
  14. A Small-Angle Neutron and X-ray Contrast Variation Scattering Study of the Structure of Block Copolymer Micelles:  Corona Shape and Excluded Volume Interactions
  15. Scattering from block copolymer micelles
  16. Form Factors of Block Copolymer Micelles with Excluded-Volume Interactions of the Corona Chains Determined by Monte Carlo Simulations
  17. Block copolymer micelle coronas as quasi-two-dimensional dilute or semidilute polymer solutions
  18. A Monte Carlo study on the effect of excluded volume interactions on the scattering from block copolymer micelles
  19. Simulation of migration and coalescence of metal inclusions in homogeneous and isotropic media