All Stories

  1. Emigrant Letters from Ireland
  2. Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Irish English
  3. Digitally-assisted Historical English Linguistics
  4. Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research
  5. 1.Linguistic identities in Ireland – Contexts and issues
  6. Introduction
  7. Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context
  8. Introduction
  9. The Language of Irish Writing in English
  10. Pragmatic Markers in Irish English
  11. ‘[B]ut sure its only a penny after all’
  12. Introduction
  13. “Sure this is a great country for drink and rowing at elections”
  14. ‘[The Irish] find much difficulty in these auxiliaries . . .putting will for shall with the first person’: the decline of first-person shall in Ireland, 1760–1890
  15. Can English Provide a Framework for Spanish Response Tokens?
  16. Fictionalising orality: introduction
  17. Fictionalising orality: introduction
  18. A Corpus of Irish English Correspondence (CORIECOR)
  19. “I will be expecting a letter from you before this reaches you”
  20. The Irish in Argentina
  21. How can corpora be used to explore literary speech representation?
  22. The pragmatics of the be + after + V-ing construction in Irish English
  23. Integrating a corpus of classroom discourse in language teacher education: the case of discourse markers
  24. Discourse markers in Irish English: An example from literature
  25. How can corpora be used to explore literary speech representation?