All Stories

  1. The Government eDNA Working Group 6th Annual eDNA Technical Exchange Workshop
  2. Neocosmopolitan distributions of invertebrate aquatic invasive species due to euryhaline geographic history and human-mediated dispersal: Ponto-Caspian versus other geographic origins
  3. The Second National Workshop on Marine eDNA: A workshop to accelerate the incorporation of eDNA science into environmental management applications
  4. Gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae) of the oldest and deepest Caspian Sea sub-basin: an evidence-based annotated checklist and a key for species identification
  5. Genetic trajectory of a fish virus over its history
  6. Addressing the "Paradox of the Plankton": Using Metabarcoding to Explore Zooplankton Diversity Patterns Across Chemical Conditions in the Salish Sea
  7. Evolutionary trajectory of fish Piscine novirhabdovirus (=Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus) across its Laurentian Great Lakes history: Spatial and temporal diversification
  8. Increasing confidence for discerning species and population compositions from metabarcoding assays of environmental samples: case studies of fishes in the Laurentian Great Lakes and Wabash River
  9. Macroinvertebrate community diversity and habitat quality relationships along a large river from targeted eDNA metabarcode assays
  10. Genomic and immunogenic changes over the history of the Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS-IVb) fish virus (=Piscine novirhabdovirus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes
  11. Invasion genetics of the silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix across North America: Differentiation of fronts, introgression, and eDNA metabarcode detection
  12. Invasion genetics from eDNA and thousands of larvae: A targeted metabarcoding assay that distinguishes species and population variation of zebra and quagga mussels
  13. Invasion genetics of the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) across North America: Differentiation of fronts, introgression, and eDNA detection
  14. Genetic Divergence of Nearby Walleye Spawning Groups in Central Lake Erie: Implications for Management
  15. Effects of cortisol and lipopolysaccharide on expression of select growth-, stress- and immune-related genes in rainbow trout liver
  16. Genetic change versus stasis over the time course of invasions: trajectories of two concurrent, allopatric introductions of the Eurasian ruffe
  17. Early detection monitoring for aquatic non-indigenous species: Optimizing surveillance, incorporating advanced technologies, and identifying research needs
  18. Role of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Matrix (M) Protein in Suppressing Host Transcription
  19. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding assays to detect invasive invertebrate species in the Great Lakes
  20. Population genetic structure and comparative diversity of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu: congruent patterns from two genomes
  21. Genetic patterns across an invasion's history: a test of change versus stasis for the Eurasian round goby in North America
  22. The Effect of Algal Blooms on Carbon Emissions in Western Lake Erie: An Integration of Remote Sensing and Eddy Covariance Measurements
  23. Role of the invasive Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Actinopterygii: Odontobutidae) in the distribution of fish parasites in Europe: New data and a review
  24. Two decades of genetic consistency in a reproductive population in the face of exploitation: patterns of adult and larval walleye (Sander vitreus) from Lake Erie’s Maumee River
  25. Gene Diversification of Emerging Fish Virus: A Decade of Mutation in VHSv-IVb
  26. Diurnal to annual changes in latent, sensible heat, and CO 2 fluxes over a Laurentian Great Lake: A case study in Western Lake Erie
  27. The parasite community of gobiid fishes (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) from the Lower Volga River region
  28. Temporal Population Genetic Structure of Yellow Perch Spawning Groups in the Lower Great Lakes
  29. Genetic History of Walleyes Spawning in Lake Erie's Cattaraugus Creek: a Comparison of Pre‐ and Poststocking
  30. A population genetic window into the past and future of the walleye Sander vitreus: relation to historic walleye and the extinct “blue pike” S. v. “glaucus”
  31. Conservation and management of fisheries and aquatic communities in Great Lakes connecting channels
  32. Genetic connectivity and diversity of walleye (Sander vitreus) spawning groups in the Huron–Erie Corridor
  33. Genetic diversity and divergence of yellow perch spawning populations across the Huron–Erie Corridor, from Lake Huron through western Lake Erie
  34. What's in a name? Taxonomy and nomenclature of invasive gobies in the Great Lakes and beyond
  35. Rapid and Sensitive qRT-PCR Assay for Fish VHSv Detection
  36. Phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of theSanderpikeperches (Percidae: Perciformes): patterns across North America and Eurasia
  37. Genetic and morphometric differences demonstrate fine-scale population substructure of the yellow perchPerca flavescens: need for redefined management units
  38. A new StaRT-PCR approach to detect and quantify fish Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSv): Enhanced quality control with internal standards
  39. Waterscape genetics of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens): patterns across large connected ecosystems and isolated relict populations
  40. Corrigendum to: “Evolution and biogeography of an emerging quasispecies: Diversity patterns of the fish Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSv)” [Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 63 (2012) 327–347]
  41. Evolution and biogeography of an emerging quasispecies: Diversity patterns of the fish Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHSv)
  42. Temporal and Spatial Genetic Consistency of Walleye Spawning Groups
  43. Salinity tolerance of the invasive round goby: Experimental implications for seawater ballast exchange and spread to North American estuaries
  44. Fine-scale population genetic structure of the yellow perchPerca flavescensin Lake Erie
  45. Historic speciation and recent colonization of Eurasian monkey gobies (Neogobius fluviatilis and N. pallasi) revealed by DNA sequences, microsatellites, and morphology
  46. Microsatellite loci for dreissenid mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) and relatives: markers for assessing exotic and native populations
  47. Expansion of tubenose gobies Proterorhinus semilunaris into western Lake Erie and potential effects on native species
  48. Systematics of the greenside darter Etheostoma blennioides complex: Consensus from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences
  49. Population genetic history of the dreissenid mussel invasions: expansion patterns across North America
  50. Genetic Variation of 17 Wild Yellow Perch Populations from the Midwest and East Coast Analyzed via Microsatellites
  51. Landscape genetic patterns of the rainbow darterEtheostoma caeruleum: a catchment analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellites
  52. Signatures of vicariance, postglacial dispersal and spawning philopatry: population genetics of the walleye Sander vitreus
  53. Escape from the Ponto-Caspian: Evolution and biogeography of an endemic goby species flock (Benthophilinae: Gobiidae: Teleostei)
  54. The Interplay of Morphology, Habitat, Resource Use, and Genetic Relationships in Young Yellow Perch
  55. Evolution and phylogeography of the tubenose goby genus Proterorhinus (Gobiidae: Teleostei): evidence for new cryptic species
  56. Population genetic diversity and phylogeographic divergence patterns of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
  57. Evolution and phylogeography of the tubenose goby genus Proterorhinus (Gobiidae: Teleostei): evidence for new cryptic species
  58. Invasion genetics of the Eurasian round goby in North America: tracing sources and spread patterns
  59. Microsatellite loci for Ponto-Caspian gobies: markers for assessing exotic invasions
  60. Molecular, morphological, and biogeographic resolution of cryptic taxa in the Greenside Darter Etheostoma blennioides complex
  61. Occurrence of the Quagga Mussel (Dreissena bugensis) and the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Upper Mississippi River System
  62. Ancient divisions, recent expansions: phylogeography and population genetics of the round gobyApollonia melanostoma
  63. Metazoan Parasites of Introduced Round and Tubenose Gobies in the Great Lakes: Support for the “Enemy Release Hypothesis”
  64. Erratum
  65. The invasive round goby Apollonia melanostoma (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) - a new intermediate host of the trematode Neochasmus umbellus (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) in Lake Erie, Ohio, USA
  66. Genetic and biogeographic relationships of the racer goby Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Gobiidae: Teleostei) from introduced and native Eurasian locations
  67. Genetic divergence and connectivity among river and reef spawning groups of walleye (Sander vitreus vitreus) in Lake Erie
  68. Broad- to fine-scale population genetic patterning in the smallmouth bassMicropterus dolomieuacross the Laurentian Great Lakes and beyond: an interplay of behaviour and geography
  69. Discordant Population Genetic Structuring of Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, in Lake Erie Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequences and Nuclear DNA Microsatellites
  70. Invasion Genetics of Ponto-Caspian Gobies in the Great Lakes: A ‘Cryptic’ Species, Absence of Founder Effects, and Comparative Risk Analysis
  71. Genetic Diversity of Invasive Species in the Great Lakes Versus Their Eurasian Source Populations: Insights for Risk Analysis
  72. Genetic variability and phylogeographical patterns of a nonindigenous species invasion: a comparison of exotic vs. native zebra and quagga mussel populations
  74. Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships of the troglodytic ‘living fossil’Congeria kusceri(Bivalvia: Dreissenidae)
  75. Genetic and Biogeographic Relationships of the Invasive Round (Neogobius melanostomus) and Tubenose (Proterorhinus marmoratus) Gobies in the Great Lakes Versus Eurasian Populations
  76. Population genetics, phylogeography, and systematics of the thornyhead rockfishes (Sebastolobus) along the deep continental slopes of the North Pacific Ocean
  77. Diagnostic Genetic Markers and Evolutionary Relationships among Invasive Dreissenoid and Corbiculoid Bivalves in North America: Phylogenetic Signal from Mitochondrial 16S rDNA
  78. Phylogeographical structure of the Dover sole Microstomus pacificus: the larval retention hypothesis and genetic divergence along the deep continental slope of the northeastern Pacific Ocean
  79. Population genetic structure, phylogeography and spawning philopatry in walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences
  80. Tandemly Repeated Sequences in the Mitochondrial DNA Control Region and Phylogeography of the Pike-PerchesStizostedion
  81. Genetic Identity, Phylogeography, and Systematics of Ruffe Gymnocephalus in the North American Great Lakes and Eurasia
  82. Genetic Divergence in Antitropical Pelagic Marine Fishes (Trachurus, Merluccius, and Scomber) between North and South America
  83. Regulation of color morphic patterns in the giant kelpfish, Heterostichus rostratus Girard: genetic versus environmental factors