All Stories

  1. Radical Hope in Communities of Color
  2. Radical healing in psychotherapy: Addressing the wounds of racism-related stress and trauma.
  3. Radical hope in revolting times: Proposing a culturally relevant psychological framework
  4. Toward a Psychological Framework of Radical Healing in Communities of Color
  5. Planting the TREE: A faith-based program for teen dating violence prevention.
  6. A path analysis of racially diverse men’s sexual victimization, risk-taking, and attitudes.
  7. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Psychometric Properties of the Sexual Coercion Inventory
  8. Portraits of Well-Being: Photography as a Mental Health Support for Women With HIV
  9. What Is Nonconsensual Sex? Young Women Identify Sources of Coerced Sex
  10. “I Created Something New with Something that Had Died”: Photo-Narratives of Positive Transformation Among Women with HIV
  11. Sexual coercion context and psychosocial correlates among diverse males.
  12. Coerced sex not uncommon for young men, teenage boys, study finds: MFP Fellows Bryana French, PhD, and Kevin Nadal, PhD, shed light on unspoken areas of aggression and violence
  13. Sexual Victimization Using Latent Class Analysis
  14. Black/Female/BodyHypervisibilityandInvisibility
  15. Sexual Coercion Among Black and White Teenagers
  16. Naming and Reclaiming
  17. More than Jezebels and Freaks: Exploring How Black Girls Navigate Sexual Coercion and Sexual Scripts
  18. Perfectionism in African American students: Relationship to racial identity, GPA, self-esteem, and depression.
  19. Latina breast cancer survivors' lived experiences: Diagnosis, treatment, and beyond.