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  1. Closure to “Undrained Young’s Modulus of Fine-Grained Soils” by B. Casey, J. T. Germaine, N. O. Abdulhadi, N. S. Kontopoulos, and C. A. Jones
  2. Undrained Young’s Modulus of Fine-Grained Soils
  3. Estimating horizontal stresses for mudrocks under one-dimensional compression
  4. An Evaluation of Three Triaxial Systems With Results From 0.1 to 100 MPa
  5. Shear Strength of Two Gulf of Mexico Mudrocks and a Comparison with Other Sediments
  6. Stress Dependence of Shear Strength in Fine-Grained Soils and Correlations with Liquid Limit
  7. Liquid limit as a predictor of mudrock permeability
  8. Variation of Cohesive Sediment Strength with Stress Level