All Stories

  1. Doppler Ultrasonography Assessment of Uterine Artery Blood Flow Throughout Late Pregnancy in Awassi Ewes
  2. İneklerde Subklinik Mastitis Tanısında Akut Faz Proteinlerinden Amiloid A ve C-Reaktif Protein Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi
  3. Determination of thiol/disulphide homeostasis as a new indicator of oxidative stress in dairy cows with subclinical endometritis
  4. The effect of dystocia on oxidative stress, colostral antibody/passive immune status, and blood gases in Damascus goats and their kids
  5. Farklı Yaş Guruplarındaki Safkan Arap Kısraklarda Anti Müllerian Hormon Konsantrasyonları Ile Reprodüktif Parametrelerin Korelasyonu
  6. Effect of double GnRH injections on reproductive parameters in Awassi ewes receiving long-term progesterone
  7. Effect of intrauterine infusion of Momordica charantia L. on oxidative stress and pregnancy rate in infertile cows