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  1. Open access levels: a quantitative exploration using Web of Science and oaDOI data
  2. Defining the Scholarly Commons - Reimagining Research Communication. Report of Force11 SCWG Workshop, Madrid, Spain, February 25-27, 2016
  3. Innovations in scholarly communication - global survey on research tool usage
  4. Comparing the coverage, recall, and precision of searches for 120 systematic reviews in Embase, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar: a prospective study
  5. Thinking the unthinkable – doing away with the library catalogue
  6. Characterizing physicians’ information needs at the point of care
  7. The comparative recall of Google Scholar versus PubMed in identical searches for biomedical systematic reviews: a review of searches used in systematic reviews
  8. Contradictory results of a more extensive search on cruciferous vegetables and breast cancer
  9. The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the regulation of cell growth and gene expression in melanotrope cells of Xenopus laevis
  10. Limitations of the MEDLINE Database in Constructing Meta-analyses
  11. Information retrieval and literature searching in today's information landscape
  12. Developmental axon pruning mediated by BDNF-p75NTR–dependent axon degeneration
  13. The localization, trafficking and retrograde transport of BDNF bound to p75NTR in sympathetic neurons
  14. ?-Melanophore-stimulating hormone in the brain, cranial placode derivatives, and retina ofXenopus laevis during development in relation to background adaptation
  15. Regulation of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of Xenopus laevis
  16. Multiple control and dynamic response of the Xenopus melanotrope cell
  17. Evidence that Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Acts as an Autocrine Factor on Pituitary Melanotrope Cells ofXenopus laevis
  18. Evidence that Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Acts as an Autocrine Factor on Pituitary Melanotrope Cells of Xenopus laevis
  19. Dynamics and plasticity of peptidergic control centres in the retino-brain-pituitary system ofXenopus laevis
  20. Functional organization of the suprachiasmatic nucleus ofXenopus laevis in relation to background adaptation
  21. p75 nerve growth factor receptor is important for retrograde transport of neurotrophins in adult cholinergic basal forebrain neurons