All Stories

  1. Hypothyroidism is Not Associated with Keratoconus Disease: Analysis of 626 Subjects
  2. The Effect of Antiamoebic Agents on Viability, Proliferation and Migration of Human Epithelial Cells, Keratocytes and Endothelial Cells, In Vitro
  3. Diagnostic impact of anterior segment angiography of limbal stem cell insufficiency in PAX6-related aniridia
  4. Sclerocorneal graft and sequential removal of melted cornea after severe corneal burn with perforation
  5. Clinical anatomy of the anterior chamber angle in congenital aniridia: And consequences for trabeculotomy/cyclophotocoagulation
  6. Epithelial invasion after open globe injury
  7. Penetrating Keratoplasty for Keratoconus – Excimer Versus Femtosecond Laser Trephination
  8. Confocal microscopy as an early relapse marker for acanthamoeba keratitis
  9. Tenonplasty for closing defects during sclerocorneal surgery-A brief review of its anatomy and clinical applications
  10. Methods of fixation of intraocular lenses according to the anatomical structures in trauma eyes
  11. Traumatic globe rupture after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty-A novel management technique
  12. Anatomy-based DMEK Wetlab in Homburg/Saar: Novel aspects of donor preparation and host maneuvers to teach descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty
  13. Endothelial alterations in 712 keratoconus patients
  14. Das Chamäleon der Keratitis herpetischer Genese – Diagnose und Therapie
  15. Die infektiöse Keratitis: Herpes im Griff, Akanthamöben und Fusarien auf dem Vormarsch
  16. Die revidierte neueste IC3D-Klassifikation der Hornhautdystrophien
  17. Ocular side effects of biological agents in oncology: what should the clinician be aware of?
  18. Die perforierende Keratoplastik im Kindesalter - das ewige Dilemma