All Stories

  1. A Systematic Review of the Quality of Perpetrator Programs’ Outcome Studies: Toward A New Model of Outcome Measurement
  2. Measuring the Outcome of Perpetrator Programmes through a Contextualised and Victim-Centred Approach: The Impact Project
  3. Evaluating the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparison of Men in Treatment and Their (Ex-) Partners Accounts
  4. Percepción de expectativas educativas de los padres de adolescentes de origen inmigrante, apoyo académico de los amigos y ajuste psicológico y escolar
  5. Diálogo Abierto: Una Aproximación Narrativa a un caso de Terapia de Pareja con Malestar Conyugal
  6. Hacia una comprensión fenomenológica del proceso de construcción de significado: aplicabilidad de la Rejilla de Evaluación Narrativa
  7. Results of the Jyväskylä research project on couple therapy for intimate partner violence: topics and strategies in successful therapy processes
  8. Nordic Countries Overview of Work with Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence
  9. Método “Investigaciones Dialógicas de Cambio” para el análisis del Proceso Terapéutico: traducción y adaptación al idioma Español
  10. Embodiment and reflective practices: conjoint therapy for psychological intimate partner violence
  11. Bridging constructivism and social constructionism: The journey from narrative to dialogical approaches and towards synchrony.
  12. Making sense of immigration processes
  13. Dominance and Dialogue in Couple Therapy for Psychological Intimate Partner Violence
  14. Narrative assessment