All Stories

  1. Correction to: Drug Loss from Paclitaxel Coated Balloons During Preparation, Insertion and Inflation for Angioplasty: A Laboratory Investigation
  2. Drug loss from Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons During Preparation, Insertion and Inflation for Angioplasty: A Laboratory Investigation
  3. Method to test the long-term stability of functional electrical stimulation via multichannel electrodes (e.g., applicable for laryngeal pacing) and to define best points for stimulation: in vivo animal analysis
  4. Development of a novel larynx pacemaker multichannel array electrode: In vivo animal analysis
  5. Alteration of Surface EMG amplitude levels of five major trunk muscles by defined electrode location displacement
  6. Re-evaluation of the amplitude–force relationship of trunk muscles
  7. Leistungsfähigkeit der Rumpfmuskulatur von jungen und alten gesunden Personen
  8. Grundlegende Erkenntnisse zur Elektrostimulation des M triceps brachii von Rattus norvegicus.
  9. Kinematic and electromyographic tools for characterizing movement disorders in mice
  10. EMG analysis of the thenar muscles as a model for EMG-triggered larynx stimulation