All Stories

  1. Maimonides: Life and Thought by MosheHalbertal, Princeton University Press, 2014 (ISBN 978‐0‐691‐15851‐8), ix + 385 pp., hb $35
  2. Untangling σαβαχθανι (Matt 27:46 and Mark 15:34)
  3. The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture by YoramHazony, Cambridge University Press, 2012 (ISBN 978‐0‐521‐17667‐5), xi + 379 pp., pb $24.99
  4. Inheriting Abraham: The Legacy of the Patriarch in Judaism, Christianity and Islam by Jon D.Levenson, Princeton University Press, 2012 (ISBN 978‐0‐691‐15569‐2), xvi + 118 pp., hb $29.95
  5. God's Kindness Has Overwhelmed Us: A Contemporary Doctrine of the Jews as the Chosen People by Jerome (Yehudah) Gellman, Academic Studies Press, 2013 (ISBN 978‐1‐618111‐170‐8), 118 pp., hb $59
  6. In God's Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible by MichaelWalzer, Yale University Press, 2012 (ISBN 978‐0‐300‐18044‐2), xxi + 232 pp., hb $28
  7. And Man Created God: Is God a Human Invention? by RobertBanks, Lion Hudson, 2011 (ISBN 978‐0‐7459‐5543‐8), 160 pp., pb £8.99
  9. Could I Have Been a Woman?: Meditations on a Controversial Benediction
  10. Short Note
  11. Should philosophers be consistent? (Part Two)
  12. Should philosophers be consistent? (Part One)
  13. A multicultural dialogue on the transmigration of souls
  14. Michael J. Harris Divine Command Ethics: Jewish and Christian Perspectives. (London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). Pp. xiii+207. £55.00 (Hbk). ISBN 0 145 29769 9.
  15. Samaritans, Jews and Philosophers
  16. Interfering with divinely imposed suffering
  17. Winch and Instrumental Pluralism: A Response to My Critics
  18. Understanding a (Secular) Primitive Society
  19. Winch and Instrumental Pluralism
  20. The materialist mentality revisited
  21. Wittgenstein's Scapegoat