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  1. Protocol for a systematic review of the use of qualitative comparative analysis for evaluative questions in public health research
  2. ‘That’s not necessarily for them’: LGBTIQ+ young people, social media platform affordances and identity curation
  3. “I want my story to be heard…”: Examining the Production of Digital Stories by Queer Youth in East and South-East Asia
  4. Ethical norms and issues in crowdsourcing practices: A Habermasian analysis
  5. Diversity and safety on campus @ Western: Heterosexism and cissexism in higher education
  6. Representations of LGBT youth: A review ofQueer Youth and Media Cultures
  7. Mitigating risk and facilitating access to capabilities: The role of affect in the design of an ICT-tool for queer youth in Asia
  8. Finding community and contesting heteronormativity: queer young people's engagement in an Australian online community