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  1. Use of optokinetic chart stimulation to restore mobility and reduce ataxia in a patient with pseudo-Cushing ataxia
  2. Repositioning stroke patients with pusher syndrome to reduce incidence of pressure ulcers
  3. Use of optokinetics based OKCSIB protocol in restoring mobility in primary progressive MS
  4. Novel Use of Optokinetic Chart Stimulation to Restore Muscle Strength and Function in a Bed Bound Traumatic Brain Injury Patient that was in a Vegetative State of Unconsciousness: A Case Study
  5. Exploring the Extent of Restoration of Voluntary Movements, Function, Quality of Life and Cost of Formal Care in Dense Strokes Treated by the Optokinetic Chart Stimulation Based OKCSIB Protocol: A Prospective Pilot Randomised Case Controlled Study
  6. Use of Optokinetic Chart Stimulation to Restore Muscle Strength and Function in a Severely Disabled Bed Bound Multi-Morbidity Patient with a Combination of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Critical Care Myopathy and Diabetic Neuropathy: A Case Study
  7. Novel Use of Optokinetic Chart Stimulation with a One -Off Epley’s Manouvre in a Bed-Ridden, Difficult to Rehabilitate, Care of the Elderly Patient with Undiagnosed BPPV: A Case Report
  8. Novel use of optokinetic chart stimulation to restore muscle strength and mobility in patients with subdural haemorrhage: Two case studies
  9. Novel use of an optokinetic chart stimulation intervention for restoration of muscle strength and mobility in a bed-bound patient with postcritical illness myopathy
  10. Importance of preliminary epidemiology studies in rural areas of developing countries