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  1. Whole genome bisulfite sequencing of Down syndrome brain reveals regional DNA hypermethylation and novel disease insights
  2. Snord116-dependent diurnal rhythm of DNA methylation in mouse cortex
  3. Experience-dependent neuroplasticity of the developing hypothalamus: integrative epigenomic approaches
  4. Experience-dependent neuroplasticity of the developing hypothalamus: integrative epigenomic approaches
  5. Snord116 -dependent diurnal rhythm of DNA methylation in mouse cortex
  6. Changes to histone modifications following prenatal alcohol exposure: An emerging picture
  7. Long-term alterations to DNA methylation as a biomarker of prenatal alcohol exposure: From mouse models to human children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  8. Alteration of Gene Expression, DNA Methylation, and Histone Methylation in Free Radical Scavenging Networks in Adult Mouse Hippocampus following Fetal Alcohol Exposure
  9. Epigenomic Associations of FASD
  10. Epigenome Editing
  11. DNA methylation differences in monozygotic twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia identifies psychosis related genes and networks
  12. DNA methylation in psychosis: insights into etiology and treatment
  13. Fetal alcohol and the right to be born healthy
  14. Long-term genomic and epigenomic dysregulation as a consequence of prenatal alcohol exposure: a model for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  15. The effects of olanzapine on genome-wide DNA methylation in the hippocampus and cerebellum
  16. Molecular Changes during Neurodevelopment following Second-Trimester Binge Ethanol Exposure in a Mouse Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: From Immediate Effects to Long-Term Adaptation
  17. Third Trimester-Equivalent Ethanol Exposure Is Characterized by an Acute Cellular Stress Response and an Ontogenetic Disruption of Genes Critical for Synaptic Establishment and Function in Mice
  18. Neurodevelopmental epigenetic etiologies: insights from studies on mouse models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  19. Epigenomic Mouse Model of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
  20. Selected rapporteur summaries from the XX world congress of psychiatric genetics, Hamburg, Germany, october 14-18, 2012
  21. Reduced expression of brain cannabinoid receptor 1 (Cnr1) is coupled with an increased complementary micro-RNA (miR-26b) in a mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  22. Olanzapine induced DNA methylation changes support the dopamine hypothesis of psychosis
  23. A Macro Role for Imprinted Clusters of MicroRNAs in the Brain
  24. Long-term alterations to the brain transcriptome in a maternal voluntary consumption model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders