All Stories

  1. The OBR and the March 2023 Budget: The Travails of UK Economic Growth and the Politics of Technocratic Fiscal Governance
  2. The OBR and the Politics of Technocratic Fiscal Governance
  3. UK Fiscal Politics and Macroeconomic Policy Rules Since the 1990s
  4. The OBR, Fiscal Forecasting, and the Politics of Economic Method
  5. Technocratic economic governance and the politics of UK fiscal rules
  6. The politics of the British model of capitalism’s flatlining productivity and anaemic growth: Lessons for the growth models perspective
  7. Remembering and forgetting IPE: disciplinary history as boundary work
  8. The IMF, tackling inequality, and post-neoliberal ‘reglobalization’: the paradoxes of political legitimation within economistic parameters
  9. Capitalist Convergence? European (dis?)Integration and the Post-crash Restructuring of French and European Capitalisms
  10. Contingent Keynesianism: the IMF’s model answer to the post-crash fiscal policy efficacy question in advanced economies
  11. The hollowing out of monetarism: the rise of rules-based monetary policy-making in the UK and USA and problems with the paradigm change framework
  12. Economic Patriotism, the Politics of Market-Making, and the Role of the State in Twenty-First-Century Capitalism
  13. Unusual Bedfellows? The IMF, Tackling Inequality and Social Democratic Policy Renewal
  14. Ben Clift. 2018. The IMF and the Politics of Austerity in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
  15. The IMF, the eurozone and global financial crises, and the politics of economic ideas
  16. PS intra-party politics and party system change
  17. The IMF and the Politics of Austerity in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis
  18. The IMF and the Politics of Austerity in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis
  19. The IMF and French Fiscal Rectitude amidst the Eurozone Crisis
  20. The Fund’s Fiscal Policy Views and the Politics of Austerity
  21. Is this crisis of French socialism different? Hollande, the rise of Macron, and the reconfiguration of the left in the 2017 presidential and parliamentary elections
  22. French Economic Policy
  23. Book Review: Comparative Political Economy: States, Markets and Global Capitalism by Ben CliftCliftBenComparative Political Economy: States, Markets and Global Capitalism, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2014; 392 pp: 9780230555174, £28.99 (pbk)
  24. The Hollande Presidency, 2012–14
  25. Mister Unpopular: François Hollande and the Exercise of Presidential Leadership, 2012–14
  26. Introduction
  27. Joined at the hip, but pulling apart? Franco-German relations, the Eurozone crisis and the politics of austerity
  28. Economic Patriotism in Open Economies, Ben Clift and Cornelia Woll (Eds.), London: Routledge, 2012
  29. States, Markets and Global Capitalism - an Introduction to Comparative Political Economy
  30. Comparative Political Economy: Lineages from Classical Political Economy, Linkages to International Political Economy
  31. Conclusion
  32. Capitalism and Classical Political Economy
  33. Comparative Capitalisms
  34. Disciplinary Politics and the Genealogy of Comparative Political Economy
  35. The Comparative Political Economy of Finance and Corporate Governance
  36. The Comparative Political Economy of the State
  37. The Comparative Political Economy of Welfare
  38. Ideational Analysis and Comparative Political Economy
  39. Introduction: The Focus and Rationale of the Book
  40. Interest-based Analysis and Comparative Political Economy
  41. The Comparative Method and Comparative Political Economy
  42. Institutional Analysis and Comparative Political Economy
  43. Economic Patriotism in Open Economies
  44. Le Changement? French Socialism, the 2012 Presidential Election and the Politics of Economic Credibility amidst the Eurozone Crisis
  45. Le Changement? French Socialism, the 2012 Presidential Election and the Politics of Economic Credibility amidst the Eurozone Crisis
  46. Economic Patriotism, the Clash of Capitalisms, and State Aid in the European Union
  47. French Responses to the Global Economic Crisis: The Political Economy of “Post-Dirigisme” and New State Activism
  48. The Revival of Economic Patriotism
  49. Economic patriotism: reinventing control over open markets
  50. Comparative Capitalisms, Ideational Political Economy and French Post-DirigisteResponses to the Global Financial Crisis
  51. When rules started to rule: the IMF, neo-liberal economic ideas and economic policy change in Britain
  52. European Economy
  53. The Second Time as Farce? The EU Takeover Directive, the Clash of Capitalisms and the Hamstrung Harmonization of European (and French) Corporate Governance*
  54. Whatever Happened to the Balance of Payments ‘Problem’? The Contingent (Re)Construction of British Economic Performance Assessment
  55. The Fifth Republic at Fifty: The Changing Face of French Politics and Political Economy
  56. Negotiating Credibility: Britain and the International Monetary Fund, 1956–1976
  57. French Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy: Mechanisms of Change and Hybridisation within Models of Capitalism
  58. Europeanizing Social Models?
  59. The Ségolène Royal Phenomenon: Political Renewal in France?
  60. Complexity, Constraint and New Labour's Putative Neo-liberalism: A Reply to Colin Hay
  61. Credible Keynesianism? New Labour Macroeconomic Policy and the Political Economy of Coarse Tuning
  62. The New Political Economy ofDirigisme: French Macroeconomic Policy, Unrepentant Sinning and the Stability and Growth Pact
  63. Book Review: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Jonathan Perraton & Ben Clift (eds.), Where are National Capitalisms Now? (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004, 296 pp., £55.00 hbk.)
  64. Party Finance Reform as Constitutional Engineering? The effectiveness and unintended consequences of Party Finance Reform in France and Britain
  65. Dyarchic Presidentialization in a Presidentialized Polity: The French Fifth Republic
  66. Debating the Restructuring of French Capitalism and Anglo-Saxon Institutional Investors: Trojan Horses or Sleeping Partners?
  67. Fiscal policy and capital mobility: the construction of economic policy rectitude in Britain and France
  68. Comparative Party Finance Reform
  69. New Labour’s Second Term and European Social Democracy
  70. Tawney and the third way
  71. Social Democracy and Globalization: The Cases of France and the UK
  72. The political economy of the Jospin government
  73. Social democracy in the 21st century: Still a class act? The place of class in Jospinism and Blairism
  74. The Jospin Way
  75. The UK Macroeconomic Policy Debate and the British Growth Crisis