All Stories

  1. Covid-19 lockdown: impacts on GB electricity demand and CO2 emissions
  2. Lightening the load: quantifying the potential for energy-efficient lighting to reduce peaks in electricity demand
  3. Ensuring statistics have power: Guidance for designing, reporting and acting on electricity demand reduction and behaviour change programs
  4. Onshore wind and the likelihood of planning acceptance: Learning from a Great Britain context
  5. Assessing socially acceptable locations for onshore wind energy using a GIS-MCDA approach
  6. Detailed comparison of energy-related time-use diaries and monitored residential electricity demand
  7. Explaining shifts in UK electricity demand using time use data from 1974 to 2014
  8. Estimating scenarios for domestic water demand under drought conditions in England and Wales
  9. Developing English domestic occupancy profiles
  10. Changing Eating Practices in France and Great Britain: Evidence from Time-Use Data and Implications for Direct Energy Demand
  11. Domestic Water Demand During Droughts in Temperate Climates: Synthesising Evidence for an Integrated Framework
  12. Electricity consumption and household characteristics: Implications for census-taking in a smart metered future
  13. Laundry, energy and time: Insights from 20 years of time-use diary data in the United Kingdom
  14. Peak residential electricity demand and social practices: Deriving flexibility and greenhouse gas intensities from time use and locational data
  15. The Role of Digital Trace Data in Supporting the Collection of Population Statistics - the Case for Smart Metered Electricity Consumption Data
  16. IMPETUS: Improving predictions of drought for user decision-making
  17. The question of energy reduction: The problem(s) with feedback
  18. Feeding back about eco-feedback: How do consumers use and respond to energy monitors?
  19. Distributed Demand and the Sociology of Water Efficiency
  20. Patterns of practice: a reflection on the development of quantitative/mixed methodologies capturing everyday life related to water consumption in the UK
  21. New directions in understanding household water demand: a practices perspective
  22. Developing Novel Approaches to Tracking Domestic Water Demand Under Uncertainty—A Reflection on the “Up Scaling” of Social Science Approaches in the United Kingdom
  23. Estimating Small-Area Income Deprivation: An Iterative Proportional Fitting Approach
  24. ICT Futures
  26. WhatAreData? The Many Kinds of Data and Their Implications for Data Re-Use
  27. The value of mixed-method longitudinal panel studies in ict research
  28. Interacting with the telephone