All Stories

  1. A corpus of English learners with Arabic and Hebrew backgrounds
  2. Out‐of‐classroom L2 vocabulary acquisition: The effects of digital activities and school vocabulary
  3. 10 From research to a national curriculum: The case of a lexical syllabus
  4. Understanding L2-derived words in context: Is complete receptive morphological knowledge necessary?
  5. 6. Formulaic Sequences and Second Language Learning
  6. EFL Learners' Receptive Knowledge of Derived Words: The Case of Swedish Adolescents
  8. The Nuclear Word Family List: A List of the Most Frequent Family Members, Including Base and Affixed Words
  9. How well do learners know derived words in a second language?
  10. Lexical Coverages, Inferencing Unknown Words and Reading Comprehension: How Are They Related?
  11. Loanword proportion in vocabulary size tests
  12. How Much Knowledge of Derived Words Is Needed for Reading?
  13. Evaluating Exercises for Learning Vocabulary
  14. The New Computer Adaptive Test of Size and Strength (CATSS): Development and Validation
  15. Loanword proportion in vocabulary size tests
  16. What Type of Vocabulary Knowledge Predicts Reading Comprehension: Word Meaning Recall or Word Meaning Recognition?
  17. Is first language attrition possible without second language knowledge?
  18. From word parts to full texts: Searching for effective methods of vocabulary learning
  19. The Three “I”s of Second Language Vocabulary Learning
  20. Loanwords and Vocabulary Size Test Scores: A Case of Different Estimates for Different L1 Learners
  21. First language attrition without second language acquisition
  22. Retention of new words: Quantity of encounters, quality of task, and degree of knowledge
  23. Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, Acquisition, and Testing: A Commentary on Four Studies for JALT Vocabulary SIG
  24. Lexical Thresholds for Reading Comprehension: What They Are and How They Can Be Used for Teaching Purposes
  25. Vocabulary and Writing
  26. Lexical Frequency Profiles
  27. Second Language Word Diffi culty
  28. Incidental vocabulary acquisition: The effects of task type, word occurrence and their combination
  29. Verb-Noun Collocations in Second Language Writing: A Corpus Analysis of Learners’ English
  30. Chapter 2. Form-focused Instruction in Second Language Vocabulary Learning
  31. The Contribution of Dictionary Use to the Production and Retention of Collocations in a Second Language
  32. Second language vocabulary acquisition from language input and from form-focused activities
  33. Corpus-based versus Lexicographer Examples in Comprehension and Production of New Words
  34. Form-focused Instruction in Second Language Vocabulary Learning: A Case for Contrastive Analysis and Translation
  35. Comparing Focus on Form and Focus on FormS in Second-Language Vocabulary Learning
  36. Examining the Effectiveness of 'Bilingual Dictionary Plus' - A Dictionary for Production in a Foreign Language
  37. Comparing Focus on Form and Focus on FormS in Second-Language Vocabulary Learning
  38. Lexical Frequency Profiles: From Monte Carlo to the Real World: A Response to Meara (2005)
  39. Focus on Form in Second Language Vocabulary Learning
  40. Instructed Second Language Vocabulary Learning: The fault in the ‘default hypothesis’
  41. Testing Vocabulary Knowledge: Size, Strength, and Computer Adaptiveness
  42. Vocabulary in a Second Language
  43. Size and strength: do we need both to measure vocabulary knowledge?
  44. Introduction
  45. Chapter 2. The Influence of L2 on L1 Collocational Knowledge and on L1 Lexical Diversity in Free Written Expression
  46. Vocabulary Acquisition in a Second Language: Do Learners Really Acquire Most Vocabulary by Reading? Some Empirical Evidence
  47. Type of task, time-on-task and electronic dictionaries in incidental vocabulary acquisition
  48. Some Empirical Evidence for the Involvement Load Hypothesis in Vocabulary Acquisition
  49. Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language: the construct of task-induced involvement
  50. Passive vocabulary size and speed of meaning recognition
  51. Avoidance of idioms in a second language: The effect of L1-L2 degree of similarity
  52. A vocabulary-size test of controlled productive ability
  53. The Relationship Between Passive and Active Vocabularies: Effects of LanguageLearning Context
  54. The Development of Passive and Active Vocabulary in a Second Language: Same or Different?
  55. Bilingualised dictionaries: How learners really use them
  56. Assessing the Effectiveness of Monolingual, Bilingual, and “Bilingualised” Dictionaries in the Comprehension and Production of New Words
  57. Memorizing New Words: Does Teaching Have Anything To Do With It?
  58. Assessing the Effectiveness of Monolingual, Bilingual, and "Bilingualised" Dictionaries in the Comprehension and Production of New Words
  59. Vocabulary Size and Use: Lexical Richness in L2 Written Production
  60. Beyond 2000
  61. The Lexical Profile of Second Language Writing: Does It Change Over Time?
  62. Appropriation du vocabulaire : mots faciles, mots difficiles, mots impossibles
  63. What Causes Avoidance in L2 Learning
  64. Reading in a foreign language: how does L2 lexical knowledge interact with the reader's general academic ability'
  65. How Much Lexis is Necessary for Reading Comprehension?
  66. The Development of L2 Lexis in the Expression of the Advanced Learner
  67. Words you know
  68. Facilitating long-term retention of vocabulary: The second-hand cloze
  69. The Development of L2 Lexis in the Expression of the Advanced Learner
  70. 'Sequence' and 'Order' in the Development of L2 Lexis: Some Evidence from Lexical Confusions
  71. Ease and Difficulty in Vocabulary Learning: Some Teaching Implications
  73. The concept of ‘synforms’ (similar lexical forms) in vocabulary acquisition
  74. Measuring and Explaining the Reading Threshold Needed for English for Academic Purposes Texts
  75. Avoidance of Phrasal Verbs—A Case for Contrastive Analysis
  76. Lexical Guessing in Context in EFL Reading Comprehension
  77. A Problem in Vocabulary Learning—Synophones
  79. An experiment in teaching reading comprehension with written answers in the mother tongue
  80. An approach to teaching grammar for comprehension purposes
  81. Vocabulary
  82. The lexical plight in second language reading: Words you don't know, words you think you know, and words you can't guess