All Stories

  1. Plant cell compartments
  2. Focus editorial: new contributions in diatom research
  3. Editorial
  4. Fatty acids from microalgae help humain health and disease
  5. Chapter 10Role of Dehydrins in Plant Stress Response
  6. Find your transcription factor in microalgae
  7. Advances in diatom biodiversity and ecology
  8. Recent progress in diatom’s taxonomy and freshwater ecology
  9. Electric pulsed field to extract protein from microalgae
  10. Diatom Milking: A Review and New Approaches
  11. Food colour additives of natural origin
  12. Isoprenoid biosynthesis under stress
  13. Chloroplast response mechanisms to modifications of lighting
  14. Photosynthesis under artificial light
  15. Nonphotochemical quenching in diatoms: kinetics, components and mechanisms
  16. Red and blue LED improve plant production and health
  17. Progress in diatom research: from taxonomy to physiology
  18. No all is in gene transcription
  19. The tannosome is an organelle forming condensed tannins in the chlorophyllous organs of Tracheophyta
  20. Plastids of Marine Phytoplankton Produce Bioactive Pigments and Lipids
  21. Function and evolution of channels and transporters in photosynthetic membranes
  22. Erratum to “Assessment of the requirement for aquaporins in the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts to sustain photosynthetic water oxidation” [FEBS Lett. 587 (2013) 2083-2089]
  23. Assessment of the requirement for aquaporins in the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts to sustain photosynthetic water oxidation
  24. Cadmium, Copper, Sodium and Zinc Effects on Diatoms: from Heaven to Hell — a Review
  25. Editorial (Hot Topic: Plastids: A Family of Crucial Actors in Plant Physiology)
  26. Photosynthetic Water Oxidation Requires Water Transport Across the Thylakoid Membrane: Are Aquaporins Involved?
  27. The Potential of Microalgae for the Production of Bioactive Molecules of Pharmaceutical Interest
  28. Photosystem II Function and Dynamics in Three Widely Used Arabidopsis thaliana Accessions
  29. Calcium signatures and signaling in cytosol and organelles of tobacco cells induced by plant defense elicitors
  30. Chlorophylls, Chlorophyll-Related Molecules, and Open-Chain Tetrapyrroles
  31. Phylogenetic Analysis of the Thylakoid ATP/ADP Carrier Reveals New Insights into Its Function Restricted to Green Plants
  32. Zinc Affects Differently Growth, Photosynthesis, Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Phytochelatin Synthase Expression of Four Marine Diatoms
  33. High biological variability of plastids, photosynthetic pigments and pigment forms of leaf primordia in buds
  34. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis elicits shoot proteome changes that are modified during cadmium stress alleviation in Medicago truncatula
  35. Modifications of the Carotenoid Metabolism in Plastids
  36. Secondary ketocarotenoid astaxanthin biosynthesis in algae: a multifunctional response to stress
  37. Etioplast and etio-chloroplast formation under natural conditions: the dark side of chlorophyll biosynthesis in angiosperms
  38. Role of Thylakoid ATP/ADP Carrier in Photoinhibition and Photoprotection of Photosystem II in Arabidopsis
  39. Proteomic analysis of Medicago truncatula root plastids
  40. Solute transporters in plant thylakoid membranes
  41. Life with and without AtTIP1;1, an Arabidopsis aquaporin preferentially localized in the apposing tonoplasts of adjacent vacuoles
  42. Communication and Signaling in the Plant–Fungus Symbiosis: The Mycorrhiza
  43. Functions of reticulons in plants: What we can learn from animals and yeasts
  44. Stability of vacuolar betaxanthin pigments in juices from Moroccan yellow Opuntia ficus indica fruits
  45. Screening for Solute Transporters in Plant Photosynthetic Membranes
  46. The photoenzymatic cycle of NADPH: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in primary bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris) during the first days of photoperiodic growth
  47. Reticulon-like proteins inArabidopsis thaliana: Structural organization and ER localization
  48. Protochlorophyllide Reduction: Mechanisms and Evolution¶
  49. Photoactive Protochlorophyllide Regeneration in Cotyledons and Leaves from Higher Plants†¶
  50. Spectroscopic Properties of Protochlorophyllide Analyzed In Situ in the Course of Etiolation and in Illuminated Leaves ¶
  51. Identification, Expression, and Functional Analyses of a Thylakoid ATP/ADP Carrier from Arabidopsis
  52. The Arabidopsis PsbO2 protein regulates dephosphorylation and turnover of the photosystem II reaction centre D1 protein
  53. Protochlorophyllide reduction - what is new in 2005?
  54. Chlorophyll Biosynthesis—A Review
  55. Protochlorophyllide Photoreduction—A Review
  56. Analysis of Photosynthetic Pigments
  57. Regulation of Phycobilisome Biosynthesis and Degradation in Cyanobacteria
  58. Plant pigment properties and analyses
  59. Determination of pigments in vegetables
  60. Chlorophyll and carotenoid analysis in food products. A practical case-by-case view
  61. Metal determination and quantification in biological material using particle-induced X-ray emission
  62. Protochlorophyllide Reduction: Mechanisms and Evolution¶
  63. Changes in the LHCI aggregation state during iron repletion in the unicellular red algaRhodella violacea
  64. Chlorophyll and carotenoid analysis in food products. Properties of the pigments and methods of analysis
  65. Pigment composition and location in honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) seeds before and after desiccation
  66. Cadmium inhibits epoxidation of diatoxanthin to diadinoxanthin in the xanthophyll cycle of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
  67. Chlorophyll Biosynthesis During Plant Greening
  68. How Plants Adapt Their Physiology to an Excess of Metals
  69. Astaxanthin accumulation in Haematococcus requires a cytochrome P450 hydroxylase and an active synthesis of fatty acids
  70. Corrigendum to: The formation of chlorophyll from chlorophyllide in leaves containing proplastids is a four-step process
  71. The formation of chlorophyll from chlorophyllide in leaves containing proplastids is a four-step process
  72. Improved liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of photosynthetic pigments of higher plants
  73. Photoactive Protochlorophyllide Regeneration in Cotyledons and Leaves from Higher Plants†¶
  74. Spectroscopic Properties of Protochlorophyllide Analyzed In Situ in the Course of Etiolation and in Illuminated Leaves¶
  75. Carotenoids and Stress in Higher Plants and Algae
  76. Photosynthetic Pigment Metabolism in Plants During Stress
  77. Chlorophyll Synthesis in Dark-Grown Pine Primary Needles
  78. Isolation and characterization of photoactive complexes of NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase from wheat
  79. Quantification by PIXE of metallic sites in proteins separated by electrophoresis
  80. Light-Minus-Dark Absorbance Spectra During Photoactive Pchlide Photoreduction
  82. Separation of photosynthetic pigments and their precursors by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using a photodiode-array detector
  83. Spectroscopic Properties of Regenerated Photoactive Protochlorophyllide after a Flash at Two Different Leaf Development Stages
  84. Role of Nadph:Protochlorophyllide Reductase in Photoprotection of Newly Formed Chlorophyllide
  85. Spectral Heterogeneity of the Photoinactive Protochlorophyllide in Dark-Grown Bean Leaves and Pine Cotyledons
  86. Comparison of the photoreduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide in leaves and cotyledons from dark-grown bean as a function of age
  87. Kinetics of the Photoreduction of Protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to Chlorophyllide (Chlide) in Leaves of Phaseolus Vulgaris CV Commodore
  88. Photoreduction of Protochlorophyllide to Chlorophyllide in 2-d-old Dark-Grown Bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Commodore) Leaves. Comparison with 10-d-old Dark-Grown (Etiolated) Leaves
  89. Photoreduction of Protochlorophyllide in Dark-Grown Bean Cotyledons as a Function of Age
  90. On the Formation of Chlorophyllide after Phototransformation of Protochlorophyllide in 2-Day Old Bean Leaves: Comparison with Etiolated Leaves
  91. Kinetic of protochlorophyllide photoreduction in situ