All Stories

  1. New scale measures how parents teach children about money
  2. Finances, Depression, Conflict, and Coparenting Among Lower-Income, Unmarried Couples
  3. Parental Financial Education During Childhood and Financial Behaviors of Emerging Adults
  4. Parental Financial Education During Childhood and Financial Behaviors of Emerging Adults
  5. Can We Talk About Money? Financial Socialization Through Parent–Child Financial Discussion
  6. Finances, religion, and the FAAR model: How religion exacerbates and alleviates financial stress.
  7. Identifying extraordinary contributors to work and family research: eight modalities of excellence
  8. Practice Makes Perfect: Experiential Learning as a Method for Financial Socialization
  9. Teaching Children About Money: Prospective Parenting Ideas From Undergraduate Students
  10. Shalom bayit—Peace of the Home: Ritual and Tradition in American Jewish Families