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  1. American heart association’s cardiovascular health metrics and risk of cardiovascular disease mortality among a middle-aged male Scandinavian population
  2. Lipoprotein(a) is not associated with venous thromboembolism risk
  3. Conventional vs. e-learning in nursing education: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  4. SOM clustering of 21-year data of a small pristine boreal lake
  5. Patien satisfaction is affected by patient age and response rate
  6. 558 Educational interventions designed to improve medication administration safety
  7. Systematic review and meta-analysis of educational interventions designed to improve medication administration skills and safety of registered nurses
  8. How to ask about patient satisfaction? The visual analogue scale is less vulnerable to confounding factors and ceiling effect than a symmetric Likert scale
  9. Explaining state-level differences in brain cancer mortality in the United States by population ancestries: a spatial approach
  10. Applying the ecological Shannon′s diversity index to measure research collaboration based on coauthorship: A pilot study
  11. Patient-specific risk factors of adverse drug events in adult inpatients - evidence detected using the Global Trigger Tool method
  12. The relationship between patients’ perceptions of care quality and three factors: nursing staff job satisfaction, organizational characteristics and patient age
  13. Self-reported emotional and behavioral problems in Nepalese adolescents from urban and rural areas
  15. Intercalibration of an acoustic technique, two optical ones, and a simple seston dry mass method for freshwater zooplankton sampling
  16. A New Look at Patient Satisfaction
  17. Springtime Crustacean Zooplankton Abundance under Cold Water Conditions Is Determined Mainly by Temperature Regardless of Fish Predation
  18. From spatial ecology to spatial epidemiology: modeling spatial distributions of different cancer types with principal coordinates of neighbor matrices
  19. In vivo efficacy of praziquantel against Echinoparyphium aconiatum (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) parasitizing the great pond snails Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae)
  20. A methodological approach to measuring the oxygen consumption profile of six freshwater fish species: implications for determination of the standard metabolic rate
  21. Interactive effects of predation risk and parasitism on the circadian rhythm of foraging activity in the great pond snailLymnaea stagnalis(Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae)
  22. Infectivity of trematode eye flukes in farmed salmonid fish — Effects of parasite and host origins
  23. Infectivity of Diplostomum spp. in Arctic Charr: Aspects of Exposure Duration and Cercariae Morphology
  24. Relationship between prevalence of trematode parasite Diplostomum sp. and population density of its snail host Lymnaea stagnalis in lakes and ponds in Finland