All Stories

  1. Influence of root shape on canal complexity at the mandibular molar apical surgical resection level: a micro-CT study
  2. Syringe irrigation in confluent canals: A sequential computational fluid dynamics assessment
  3. Management of Apico-marginal Defects With Endodontic Microsurgery and Guided Tissue Regeneration: A Report of Thirteen Cases
  4. Effect of Endodontic Irrigating Solutions on Radicular Dentine Structure and Matrix Metalloproteinases—A Comprehensive Review
  5. Experimental validation of a computational fluid dynamics model using micro‐particle image velocimetry of the irrigation flow in confluent canals
  6. In Situ Zymography Analysis of Matrix Metalloproteinases Activity Following Endodontic Irrigation Protocols and Correlation to Root Dentine Bond Strength
  7. Multimethod Assessment of Design, Metallurgical, and Mechanical Characteristics of Original and Counterfeit ProGlider Instruments
  8. Root canal treatment of a maxillary second molar with four mesiobuccal root canals – a case report
  9. Management of periapical lesion with persistent exsudate
  10. Endodontics irrigation: A computational fluid dynamics approach
  11. Leukocyte platelet-rich fibrin in endodontic microsurgery: a report of 2 cases
  12. Comparison of five rotary systems regarding design, metallurgy, mechanical performance, and canal preparation—a multimethod research
  13. Prevalence of periapical lesions, root canal treatments and restorations in teeth adjacent to implant‐ or tooth‐supported crowns: A multi‐centre cross‐sectional study
  14. 3D-printed multisampling holder for microcomputed tomography applied to life and materials science research
  15. Effect of different manipulations on the physical, chemical and microstructural characteristics of Biodentine
  16. Successful management of mandibular first molars with endodontic-periodontal lesions – Two case reports
  17. Prevalence of lateral radiolucency, apical root resorption and periapical lesions in Portuguese patients: a CBCT cross-sectional study with a worldwide overview
  18. Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a mandibular canine presenting with dens invaginatus type IIIb: Case report
  19. Mechanical Performance and Metallurgical Features of ProTaper Universal and 6 Replicalike Systems
  20. Management of a perforating internal root resorption using mineral trioxide aggregate: a case report with 5‐year follow‐up
  21. Influence of Kinematics on the Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of Replicalike and Original Brand Rotary Instruments
  22. On the fatigue resistance of endodontic files subjected to electrochemical polishing and an autoclave’s sterilisation cycle
  23. Association between Endodontically Treated Maxillary and Mandibular Molars with Fused Roots and Periapical Lesions: A Cone-beam Computed Tomography Cross-sectional Study
  24. The Influence of Missed Canals on the Prevalence of Periapical Lesions in Endodontically Treated Teeth: A Cross-sectional Study
  25. #050 Tratamento endodôntico de molar superior com 7 canais radiculares – relato de dois casos
  26. #115 Prevalência de lesões periapicais e associação com o comprimento da obturação canalar
  27. #116 Prevalência de lesões periapicais no segundo molar maxilar com ou sem raízes fundidas
  28. #117 Associação entre canais radiculares não‑tratados e lesões periapicais no molar maxilar
  29. SPE#13 – Remoção de um fragmento de cone de prata de um molar mandibular (36)
  30. SPE#16 – Aplicações Clínicas de Biodentine™: série de casos
  31. SPE#17 – Estratégias para permeabilização em retratamentos endodônticos: a propósito de casos clínicos
  32. SPE#8 – Barreiras apicais usando diferentes biomateriais – casos clínicos
  33. SPE#9 – Retratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico de um 1.º Molar Mandibular com 3 Canais Distais
  34. Prevalence of apical periodontitis and its association with previous root canal treatment, root canal filling length and type of coronal restoration – a cross‐sectional study
  35. Evaluation of Root Canal Filling with a Bioceramic Sealer Using Micro-Computed Tomography: A Pilot Study
  36. Endodontic management of developmental anomalies: conservation of invaginated tissues in Type II dens invaginatus – case series
  37. Worldwide Analyses of Maxillary First Molar Second Mesiobuccal Prevalence: A Multicenter Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Study
  38. Cyclic fatigue resistance of ProTaper Gold and comparison with ProTaper Universal instruments
  39. Computer fluid dynamics as a tool for analysis of endodontic irrigation
  40. The publication is about the fatigue resistance of endodontic instruments.
  41. Worldwide Prevalence of Mandibular Second Molar C-Shaped Morphologies Evaluated by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
  42. Comparative analysis of simulated root canals shaping, using ProTaper Universal, Next and Gold
  43. Fatigue Resistance of Rotary Endodontic Files Submitted to Axial Motion in Multiplanar Canals Manufactured by 3D Printing
  44. Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth
  45. Estudo comparativo da adaptação marginal de 2 cimentos endodônticos
  46. # 2. Tratamento endodôntico de pré‐molares com anatomia tipo V
  47. # 6. Segundo molar inferior com anatomia em C ‐ caso clinico
  48. I-35. Efeito dos procedimentos para MEV na interface dentina/cimento: impacto do polimento
  49. I-37. Adaptação marginal de um novo material de retro-obturação: um estudo ao M.E.V.
  51. Hipersensibilidade dentinária: etiologia e prevenção
  52. Comparação da obturação endodôntica pelas técnicas de condensação lateral, híbrida de Tagger e Thermafil: estudo piloto com Micro-tomografia computorizada
  53. Glossário de Termos Endodônticos
  54. Glossário de Termos Endodônticos
  55. Glossário de Termos Endodônticos