All Stories

  1. KGFlex: Efficient Recommendation with Sparse Feature Factorization and Knowledge Graphs
  2. KGTORe: Tailored Recommendations through Knowledge-aware GNN Models
  3. Fifth Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop (KaRS)
  4. An Out-of-the-Box Application for Reproducible Graph Collaborative Filtering extending the Elliot Framework
  5. Fourth Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop (KaRS)
  6. Sparse Feature Factorization for Recommender Systems with Knowledge Graphs
  7. Pursuing Privacy in Recommender Systems: the View of Users and Researchers from Regulations to Applications
  8. V-Elliot: Design, Evaluate and Tune Visual Recommender Systems
  9. Elliot: A Comprehensive and Rigorous Framework for Reproducible Recommender Systems Evaluation
  10. How to put users in control of their data in federated top-N recommendation with learning to rank
  11. Prioritized multi-criteria federated learning