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  1. Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) oil in growing rabbit nutrition: effects on meat physicochemical traits, sensory profile and shelf-life
  2. Hermetia illucens larvae reared on different substrates in broiler quail diets: effect on apparent digestibility, feed-choice and growth performance
  3. Meat quality of male and female Italian Padovana and Polverara slow-growing chicken breeds
  4. Effect of cage and pen housing on the live performance, carcase, and meat quality traits of growing rabbits
  5. Effects of three different stunning/slaughtering methods on physical, chemical, and sensory changes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss )
  6. Black soldier fly as dietary protein source for broiler quails: meat proximate composition, fatty acid and amino acid profile, oxidative status and sensory traits