All Stories

  1. Conscious Competence in Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare Education
  2. Catalase polymorphism May Influence the Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus
  3. A Review of the Role of Mitochondrial Manganese Superoxide Dismutase in Human Disorders, such as, Diabetes
  4. Exploring the possibility of arthropod transmission of HCV
  5. A Reflection on Some Key Pedagogical Competencies, Valuable to the Role of the Medical Educator
  6. Polymorphic differences in the SOD-2 gene may affect the pathogenesis of nephropathy in patients with diabetes and diabetic complications
  7. Haplotype analysis finds linkage disequilibrium in the IL-12 gene in patients with HCV
  8. Polymorphic differences in SOD-2 may influence HCV viral clearance
  9. CD81 sequence and susceptibility to hepatitis C infection
  10. Polymorphisms in the IL-12B Gene and Outcome of HCV Infection