All Stories

  1. Photoinactivation of Candida albicans using methylene blue as photosensitizer
  2. Penetration of a resin-based filling material into lateral root canals and quality of obturation by different techniques
  3. Perfil e percepção de diabéticos sobre a relação entre diabetes e doença periodontal
  4. Condição Odontológica em Pacientes Internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva
  5. Qualitative analysis of files of four different rotary systems, before and after being used for the twelfth time
  6. Effect of chemical and Er:YAG laser treatment on bond strength of root canal resin-based sealers
  7. In vitro analysis of thermocompaction time and gutta-percha type on quality of main canal and lateral canals filling
  8. Evaluation of the apical seal after intraradicular retainer removal with ultrasound or carbide bur
  9. Er:Yag laser irradiation of the microbiological apical biofilm
  10. Sealer penetration and marginal permeability after apicoectomy varying retrocavity preparation and retrofilling material
  11. O emprego de radioisótopo na avaliação da permeabilidade dentinária intracanal tendo como variáveis as soluções irrigadoras e a irradiação com diferentes lasers