All Stories

  1. Heavy-Tailed Random Walks on Complexes of Half-Lines
  2. Anomalous recurrence properties of random walks
  3. Non-homogeneous random walks
  4. Phase Transitions for Random Geometric Preferential Attachment Graphs
  5. Phase transitions for random geometric preferential attachment graphs
  6. Random processes
  7. Convergence in a Multidimensional Randomized Keynesian Beauty Contest
  8. Convergence in a multidimensional randomized Keynesian beauty contest
  9. Convex hulls of planar random walks with drift
  10. Rank deficiency in sparse random GF$[2]$ matrices
  11. Random walk in mixed random environment without uniform ellipticity
  12. Excursions and path functionals for stochastic processes with asymptotically zero drifts
  13. Non-homogeneous random walks with non-integrable increments and heavy-tailed random walks on strips
  14. The simple harmonic urn
  15. Bak-Sneppen-type models and rank-driven processes
  16. Rank-Driven Markov Processes
  17. Random Walk with Barycentric Self-interaction
  18. Passage-time moments and hybrid zones for the exclusion-voter model
  19. Limit theorems for random spatial drainage networks
  20. Limit theorems for random spatial drainage networks
  21. Rate of escape and central limit theorem for the supercritical Lamperti problem
  22. Random direction and on-line networks
  23. Asymptotic theory for the multidimensional random on-line nearest-neighbour graph
  24. Multivariate Normal Approximation in Geometric Probability
  25. Logarithmic speeds for one-dimensional perturbed random walks in random environments
  26. Limit theory for the random on-line nearest-neighbor graph
  27. Explicit laws of large numbers for random nearest-neighbour-type graphs
  28. Explicit laws of large numbers for random nearest-neighbour-type graphs
  29. On the total length of the random minimal directed spanning tree
  30. On the total length of the random minimal directed spanning tree
  31. Random walk in random environment with asymptotically zero perturbation
  32. Random minimal directed spanning trees and Dickman-type distributions
  33. Random minimal directed spanning trees and Dickman-type distributions