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  1. Application of deep convolutional networks for improved risk assessments of post-wildfire drinking water contamination
  2. Enhanced photosynthesis and transpiration in an old growth forest due to wildfire smoke
  3. Novel wildfire Risk assessment for Oregon.
  4. Predicting conditional maximum contaminant level exceedance probabilities for drinking water after wildfires with Bayesian regularized network ensembles
  5. Development of a tailored combination of machine learning approaches to model volumetric soil water content within a mesic forest in the Pacific Northwest
  6. Estimating regional effects of climate change and altered land use on biosphere carbon fluxes using distributed time delay neural networks with Bayesian regularized learning
  7. Bayesian Optimization of the Community Land Model Simulated Biosphere–Atmosphere Exchange using CO2Observations from a Dense Tower Network and Aircraft Campaigns over Oregon
  8. Removing traffic emissions from CO2 time series measured at a tall tower using mobile measurements and transport modeling
  9. Development of a semi-parametric PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) partitioning model for the United States, version 1.0
  10. Development of a semi-parametric PAR partitioning model for the contiguous US
  11. Supplementary material to "Development of a semi-parametric PAR partitioning model for the contiguous US"
  12. Comparison and Optimization of Neural Networks and Network Ensembles for Gap Filling of Wind Energy Data
  13. Eddy covariance measurements with a new fast-response, enclosed-path analyzer: Spectral characteristics and cross-system comparisons
  14. Empirical assessment of uncertainties of meteorological parameters and turbulent fluxes in the AmeriFlux network
  15. High-frequency analysis of the complex linkage between soil CO2 fluxes, photosynthesis and environmental variables
  16. Characterization of vertical aerosol flows by single particle mass spectrometry for micrometeorological analysis
  17. Calculating CO2 and H2O eddy covariance fluxes from an enclosed gas analyzer using an instantaneous mixing ratio
  18. Classification and assessment of turbulent fluxes above ecosystems in North-America with self-organizing feature map networks
  19. Direct measurement of CO2 and particle emissions from an urban area
  20. Advanced tilt correction from flow distortion effects on turbulent CO2fluxes in complex environments using large eddy simulation
  21. Direct determination of highly size-resolved turbulent particle fluxes with the disjunct eddy covariance method and a 12 – stage electrical low pressure impactor
  22. Gap Filling and Quality Assessment of CO2 and Water Vapour Fluxes above an Urban Area with Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
  23. Nutrient Input Through Occult and Wet Deposition into a Subtropical Montane Cloud Forest