All Stories

  1. The future of work for young people – early occupational pathways and the risk of automation in Australia
  2. Older Adults’ Perspectives of Smart Technologies to Support Aging at Home: Insights from Five World Café Forums
  3. When what you have is not enough—Acquiring Australian qualifications to overcome non‐recognition of overseas skills
  4. Applying ethics to AI in the workplace: the design of a scorecard for Australian workplace health and safety
  5. Alternative housing models for precariously housed older Australians
  6. Group‐Centered Leadership: Progression Over Time, Effectiveness, and Practices
  7. The Participation of Senior Citizens in Policy-Making: Patterning Initiatives in Europe
  8. Privileging wage and salary increases? Who asks, gets, doesn’t ask or doesn’t get a raise in Australia
  9. Australia’s State Specific and Regional Migration Schemes: exploring permanent and temporary skilled migration outcomes in South Australia
  10. Gemeinsame Selbstverwaltung: Bedingungen der Aufgabenwahrnehmung
  11. Responses to an Ageing Workforce: Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom
  12. Work-Life Imbalance in Extended Working Lives: Domestic Divisions of Labour and Partners’ Perceptions of Job Pressures of Non-Retiring Older Workers
  13. Working conditions and retirement: How important are HR policies in prolonging working life?
  14. Welfare-to-Work
  15. All roads leading to Rome? The medium term outcomes of Australian youth’s transition pathways from education
  16. Ethics and Social Security Reform
  17. The social orientations and ideologies of UK finance employees at the onset of the Global Financial Crisis
  18. Extending Working Lives–Sticks and Carrots to Get the Older Unemployed Back into Employment
  19. Ageing in Europe
  20. Learning in a rich country: the normalisation of homelessness among apprentices in Australia
  21. Apprenticeships in homelessness: a quantitative study
  22. Disability, and social and economic inclusion: who is in and out of the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme?
  23. The mutual constitution of risk and inequalities: intersectional risk theory
  24. Jumping off the track: comparing the experiences of first jobs of young people living in disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Britain
  25. The demise of certainty: shifts in aspirations and achievement at the turn of the century
  26. Proximal Adolescent Outcomes of Gang Membership in England and Wales
  27. A Convergence of Attitudes? Perceptions of Social Inequality and Work in Post-communist and ‘Traditional’ European Market Economies
  28. Appendix-Cebulla
  29. Perceptions of labour market risks: Shifts and continuities across generations
  30. The risk society hypotheses: an empirical test using longitudinal survey data
  31. Risk through the years – a statistical portrait of young people's risk perceptions and experiences relative to those of older generations
  32. Meta-Analyse – Eine Einleitung
  33. U.S. Welfare-to-Work Programs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  34. The Cost-Effectiveness of Welfare-to-Work Programs: A Meta-Analysis
  35. Working beyond the state pension age in the United Kingdom: the role of working time flexibility and the effects on the home
  36. Class or Individual? A Test of the Nature of Risk Perceptions and the Individualisation Thesis of Risk Society Theory
  37. When Welfare-to-Work Programs Seem to Work Well: Explaining Why Riverside and Portland Shine So Brightly
  38. Risk events and learning from error: when are assessments of the risk of unemployment revised?
  39. Returning to Normality: Substance Users' Work Histories and Perceptions of Work During and After Recovery
  40. Meta-Evaluation: Discovering What Works Best in Welfare Provision
  41. Do welfare-to-work programmes work for long?
  42. Funding Supported Accommodation: Financial and Administrative Implications of Reforming Housing Benefit
  43. The Final Instance - Unemployment Insurance Going Private? A Study of a Future Social Security Scenario in the UK and Germany
  44. Evaluation of community-based regeneration in Northern Ireland: between social and economic regeneration
  45. Trusting community developers: the influence of the form and origin of community groups on residents' support in Northern Ireland
  46. A geography of insurance exclusion: perceptions of unemployment risk and actuarial risk assessment
  47. Disadvantage and New Prosperity in Restructured Belfast
  48. Urban Policy and Local Economic Interests in Northern Ireland: A City Comparison
  49. Property-led regeneration and job creation: The Belfast case
  50. The dynamics of poverty and deprivation in the UK